Wanting to date, but

by Junction-Guy 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gregor

    Did you mean "Wanting to date butt..."?

  • yknot

    In the end everyone is looking for that 'right' person and to have companionship with sexual benefits.

    Yes we all have committment issue (some are too gung-ho, others are gun shy) in the beginning but when the right person happens they happen. Some do desire a formal legally binding committment yet other burned by divorce are happy just take things a day at a time.

    You just have to be willing to go where life's journey takes you.......

    Sometimes it is a rebound thing, some times a fling, sometimes it a ring........

    Just don't over think things!

  • asilentone

    try to meet someone at www.craigslist.com That is how I got my new girlfriend last month.

  • zagor

    When my marriage went up in flames I went through a period of dating and searching, all these were great women, well more or less but I never went with someone with whom I didn’t click on some level. Yet none of those short time runs ended up anywhere. At times like you I wondered if something was wrong with me. The thing is you really want to find someone who is also reflection of your soul and who complements you where you are different. So I’d say try talking more if that what is lacking and be yourself; soon someone will come along who will respond to the nature of your soul, someone with whom you can be yourself for that is what relationship is meant to be, not a pretense, she will be one who can look deep inside you, way pass that tough outside shell, and fall for you even more and not run. It might happen at the moment you least expect in a place you didn’t think of. So just be yourself, talk about things that you like or are passionate about and soon enough someone will notice real you.

    Instead of dating just try a little more social activity.

    This works, JunctionGuy . . . If you have a hobby, join a group who are into that.

    For example, I wanted to learn to dance, so three years after my divorce, I took dancing lessons. Things naturally progressed from there. I met guys and had a safe place to get to know them. By the way, dance schools are heavily populated with women and have very few men. You'd have lots of lovely ladies to pick from. You wouldn't have to ask them out until you got to know them a little. In fact, our dance school usually went out in a group for coffee after a lesson. Another safe way to get to know people better. You're in control, JunctionGuy!

    I'm not saying you have to take up dancing. Just pick a hobby and go have some fun!

    I'm cheerin' fer you, JunctionGuy!Keep us posted!


  • dawg

    "It is so weird, it is like I am a virgin all over again and learning how to interact with women"

    You take all advances and act on them until the lady says "stop"... I'm serious, its really that easy... LOL!

    1) you take the lady on a date....
    2) If you had a good time and she asks you to walk her to the door... then you hug her... if you want.
    3) Then you look directly in her eyes, smile and say you had a good time... lean over for a kiss...
    4) She either a: Wants a passionate hot kiss on the mouth or she'll turn her cheek,
    b: She turns her head for you to kiss her cheek... tell you had fun and ask her if it's OK for you to call again...
    5) She lets you kiss her on the mouth (if that's what you want to do) Kiss her real soft, hold her firmly and let her know she's gotten hold of a man... then try and kiss her again (if you want)
    6) Kiss her some more if you want, and then ask if you can have a night cap???????
    7) If she wants you to have a night cap, then go inside... advancing as much as you want to advance, and as much as she lets you... all the way until you either go home, or you score, whichever you want...while respecting her wishes.

    Simple thing I've learned, women want sex as much as we do, it's all how we play it and how much they want us... and us them...

    I'm pretty sure I've talked some ladies into some things they may have regretted... LOL! But I've regretted some things some ladies had me do also... LOL!

    Keep this in mind... have fun... life is fun and you should enjoy it.. no person can make you happy but yourself..

    If you want to do the dirty mag nasty... do it if that's what she wants... if you want to go home and go to sleep, do that...

    There's always another woman around that'll go on a date with you... don't you worry if one rejects you, another lady will want you like she wants money... give her what she wants, be a gentleman, but spank that stuff if she lets you... that's my motto... LOL!

    Do not "look" for love, enjoy the company of another person... just enjoy their company and don't think about the future... people are to be enjoyed, women especially.. I worship women...

    Never give up on finding true love.. always believer that love is out there or is in your mist... the goal is love not sex, but sex is a close second... LOL!

    Last advice, be yourself, whatever that is... you can't change you, and they will either like you or not like you for whomever you are... remember the clause, there's always another woman... it's not being disrespectful to women, its respecting yourself... if she don't like you, don't fret it, somewhere there's a someone for everyone... just have a good time and let nature run its course... don't force anything...

    Its the code I live by, and I've had a good love life... but then again, I'm crazy as hell... LOL!

  • junctions-wife


    I am happy that you want to date again. Just go for it. Try not to compare every woman to me. I wasn't the greatest out there, and still not. The world is big enough that you can find happiness again. Just be honest with yourself, and find the right woman for you.


  • shamus100

    Will Amanda be helping you with your final selection?

  • Junction-Guy

    No, she can pick her own men, and I will do fine picking my gals.

    Thanks Amanda, it is time we both moved on with our lives,

  • penny2
    But there are certain events and certain times of the year when I feel alone and would like a date.

    There must be so many people who feel this way. The single people need to get together more - just for company. You don't necessarily need a "date" - just other people to be with who are in a similar situation.

    I don't go out that much but when I do and it's not with family, I go with other single women. We have a great time.

    I get invited to work functions where most people go with their partners. I usually go by myself and have a great time mingling with everyone (without the burden of having a partner who is bored because they don't know anyone). However, this year I'm going with another single woman who used to work for the company.

    If anybody thinks that's a bit weird, that's their problem.


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