Negative Reinforcement of World View

by Ranchette 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    I remember often being asked why we brought such a negative message to the doors, when we were out in "service". One householder said we would get much better results if we had a positive message. I was confused by that since we were talking about how bad everything in the world was, and how we were so obviously living in the last days. I was a very negative person.

    Now, I have a sign up, in my office, that says "Be the most Postive and Enthusiastic Person you know". I try hard to be positive, but that old gal sneaks back once in awhile. Someday, she will be gone for good.

    When I was first getting involved in my marketing business, I was told in a seminar, to eliminate all the negative people from my life. I wondered who would be left, if I were to do that. It's funny now, but was a serious concern then.

    Great post, Ranchette.

    Marilyn (a.k.a. Mulan)

  • joelbear


    Great attitude. I hope I can become more positive myself.

    Today was a wonderful day here in Roswell Georgia. Perfect weather.
    Mitch and I went shopping and my god there were so many cute men everywhere.

    We just got back from a wonderful seafood dinner and sat next to a grandmother and mother and son who were just the nicest people.

    There is so much to enjoy and to be positive about.


  • patio34

    Hi Ranchette,
    I didn't become a JW until age 27 and have often reflected on the reasons. One was that I was lonely and house-bound with 3 kids. My then-husband was always gone. Then, the JWs love-bombed me and instant friends. Plus, it made sense.

    What I didn't do that I will always do now is critical thinking. I did a little checking, but not nearly enough.
    It took 28 years to recover! You're right--I don't want to fall for something like that ever again!

    But, if I don't own my responsibility for being duped, then I feel helpless to prevent it from recurring, IMO.

    Mulan & JoelBear
    Thanks for the cheery messages. I have a sign on my desk that says "A thousand miracles happen every day." It's from that author (Fulgrum?) and the point is that we should be grateful for all the things that go right.

    Here's another truism I just discovered: "We don't laugh because we're happy; we're happy because we laugh." Laugh 1st & the happiness will follow. Some monks have a 'laughing meditation' where they all have to laugh together for a time. Same goes with dancing--we don't feel like dancing because we're not dancing! Ditto singing.


  • Ranchette

    What you are telling me about your experience fits something else that I realize we do without realizing it.
    We tend to believe what we want to believe for a lot of different reasons.
    Just because we adamantly believe something doesn't mean its right.
    Sometimes our emotions override our logic.

    This is disturbing to me too and now that I know this I am always asking myself questions like,” Is this really true or do I just want or need it to be so?"

    I guess we are doing well if we are always questioning others and ourselves.

    Unlike what we were taught, questions or "critical thinking" as you mentioned can be a protection for us.


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