It really comes down to Freewill versus Determinism
The Argument of Moral Responsibility states that if determinism were true, no person would be able to change his actions, therefore no one could ever be held morally responsible for his own actions. Common sense tells us that we can change our actions by our own choice.
2. We can and have overcome our desires and inclinations. Both common sense and fact show that we can actively change our behavior. Determinism reply: We only perceive that we can change our actions and behavior.
3. We do not feel compelled to act. At the time of a decision, we feel we have had other choices. Determinism reply: Such feelings of control are illusions; we are just ignorant of all the irresistible forces acting upon us.
4. At a certain time we feel that we could have chosen to act differently. Determinist reply: Our behavior is already determined by previous events. Therefore you can not change your behavior.
ii. The Implications of Determinism: Man becomes nothing more than a puppet. ( I don't feel like just a puppet )
All the debate here is the result of external powers and forces that limit or influence any would be choice we have .
The balance in understanding is soft determinism....( freewill like so many things is never absolute)
An action may result from having a reason that one could not change, but the reasons themselves are not considered actions. Therefore, as long as we are not coerced, we can have a free action. An act may be entirely determined, yet be free in the sense that it was voluntary and not coerced.