News from Bethel Heavy

by cinnamon1642 224 Replies latest jw friends

  • yknot

    All this talk reminds me of a CO I had in California who was being sent to West Texas. Since I had been in that circuit for college he had lots of questions.....mostly about economics.... now of course it all makes sense!

    Stupid me thought he was appreciating how lesser folks tend to be more 'faithful' then those 'blinded' by 'riches'.

  • blondie
    I'm sure there was a legitimate bid process

    And who would monitor that?

  • gumby

    Who is it that actually pays for the CO's living expenses such as the car, gas, insurance, housing, food, etc.? Is it the WTS itself or is it the individual congregations?

    Dadgum hardheaded woman! I done told ya it was the congregations responsibility! Those tight bastards in N.Y. always put the burden in financial matters on the publishers shoulders.

    I'll be back to get that dweeb dude a little later

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Last month a begging letter was sent out in the UK demanding that the congregations pony up £3 per publisher for new circuit cars.

  • gumby

    The witnesses reasoning on WHY they continue to expand and build new buildings is because they claim that no doubt all these facilities will CONTINUE to be used right on through armageddon. They feel that there will still need to be direction from a source with nearly 7 thousand witnesses to organize and give instuctions to. You silly apostates, you just don't use yer damn ya now? Gumghandi

  • Mary
    Gumghandi said: The witnesses reasoning on WHY they continue to expand and build new buildings is because they claim that no doubt all these facilities will CONTINUE to be used right on through armageddon.

    Ya, that's their claim, but if you think about it logically, it's pretty lame reasoning. These buildings don't run on solar power....they pollute the air like a thousand other buildings do. What power source will they run on after the Big A destroys 99% of all buildings? And will Jehovah allow them to continue to pollute the air? Doesn't Revelation say that He's a-gonna "bring to ruin those ruining the earth?"

    They feel that there will still need to be direction from a source with nearly 7 thousand witnesses to organize and give instuctions to.

    Um......I think ya mean 7 million Witnesses Brutha Gumbeeee.

  • Confucious

    Not saying that the CO's don't have a tough job.

    But a LOT of people work their A$$ off every day, week... month - and have NOTHING to show for it.

    Actually, most people that I know are in debt and even further - have zero net worth, even if they sold their home.

    Being a CO is kind of like working on a cruise ship.

    If you can can your food, clothing and room taken care of... and you can walk off with your "green handshakes" - you're doing well.

    Not to say there aren't levels of how well they do... but zero bills and $200 at the end of the week ain't bad.

  • DaCheech

    confucious you're right one. with no bills: ANY $ envelope becomes big money.

    anyway, knowing what I know.... you could not pay me millions to do their job!

  • metatron

    And now, perhaps, a bit of "reaping what you have sown!"

    Circuit Overseers, who have taken the lead in discouraging a college education and telling others not to worry because 'Jehovah will provide' - while enjoying paid auto and health insurance and leased cars - will now find themselves laid off.

    I feel sorry for some of them. ..... but I also see justice being done by giving these itinerant con artists a dose of their own medicine.


  • isaacaustin

    Yep. If I were a CO living in the States, I'd be scared shitless about the whole healthcare thing.....Up here in Canada it doesn't matter as much because everyone who is a Canadian citizen gets their healthcare paid for.........I'd like to see some of the District Overlords get laid off. I've never met one that wasn't an arrogant asshole and who have discouraged higher education even more so than the average CO. Lets see how well they get along in life with no education and no free handouts.

    The CO's will not still be provided health insurace? Mu understading was that if reassigned as special pioneers they get health insurance and a monthly stipend (600.00 single/1200.00 married). Is that accurate?

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