Why do people use so many derogative, belittling terms on here like....

by reniaa 111 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • StAnn

    And the WTS use of the word "apostate" ticks me off because the WTS took Christianity and twisted it into something unrecognizable. The WTS are the real apostates in Christendom. They call others apostate to throw people off their scent.


  • dogisgod

    Having been in the "society" for many decades I have seen that there is a power of language that is unique to the WT. When I first discovered this website I just cracked up over the "otherwiseknown" language. It gave me a freedom and a clairity I didn't have before. The Catholics do the same as do Mormons, Jews, Muslims, JWs, the military. etc. It is another way of keeping people's mind in self check as much as telling people what to read, watch, who to talk to, etc.

    I never took it as a slam to all JWs.... only to the control of their own language.

    To me it makes me laugh at myself for all those years of word worship and the intelligence and humour of the people that have posted here.

  • JimmyPage

    Let's just settle once and for all what a cult is. Bear in mind that those who are in cults can recognize these qualities in other cults but not in their own.

    Cults believe that only they have the truth.

    They believe that only they have a direct pipeline to God.

    Everyone who is not a member of the cult is under Satan's control.

    Many cults preach apocalypse. Hence the term "doomsday cult".

    When persons within the cult question what they are taught they are often shunned to get them back in line with the cult's thinking. Those persons are said to be under Satan's control.

    Cults use "loaded language" which basically means they use words in a way that has a different meaning to them than the rest of the world.

    Unlike other mainstream religions you can't just walk away from a cult. Many cults separate their members from their families and friends as a repercussion for leaving the group. Or they separate them from their "Satanic" family members at the beginning of indoctrination to keep them under the cult's power.

    Is any of this starting to sound familiar? Quick- throw up your pre-programmed barriers to independent thinking!


    Reniaa..I`ve read some of your posts..We have all kinds here so,I have no axe to grind with you..But..I will tell you why people use those terms..It`s because it`s true...........JW`s mindlessly follow anything the WBT$ asks of them..To their death many times..Hence the name "Borg"..The borg can do a 180 degree turn..What was wrong yesterday,is right today..Meanwhile life`s are in ruins...........The WBT$ is evil..They have no problem dividing familys..Or..Protecting pedophiles..The list goes on but I don`t have all night..LOL!!..........I own 500 shares of the "Rand Cam Engine Corp"..My certificate of ownership is in a frame,on my wall,in my office..Rand cam makes engines for bombs,that deliver the bombs to they`re target..I am invested in war!......The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society owns 50% of the Rand Cam Engine Corp..They are my fellow share holders..The WBT$ and I are both invested in war!............So,you can live in a bubble and see no evil..And ..Listen to a corrupt organization that is a major player in the war machine and hides pedophiles..You may even want to join their Cult,the JW`s.....I don`t mind..It`s your life..LOL!!...........................Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Number1Anarchist

    The WTBTS Is an Evil Corporation!

    It has a Board of directors it has Advisory board and it has a corporate spokesperson, and it has it's lawyers!

    The only corporation in the World where it's employees work for free!

    Then it has it's neverending Spamming press that prints more Spam then anyone just to study the bible!

    Advertis Advertise Advertise , you know the rest!

    Tha'ts not even getting into the part about it being a cult so i would have to say they are the most Evil Corpoation on the entire planet.

    Evil Evil Evil They sell empty promises you can't get any sicker than that!

    Barf !

  • Who are you?
    Who are you?

    When I first came on this site in my innocence as a noob poster I did use "the truth" and "Worldly" and was roundly told off for them so have since not used them on here.

    Reniaa, I wonder if you could dig deep and answer me honestly. At the end of the day, what exactly motivates you to "think and talk" like a JW ? People often get caught up in the minutia of argueing about God's name and such...but I like to stick to the bigger issue.

    If you were truly motivated by the qualities espoused by Jesus, then why on earth would you align yourself with a group that would label 99% of the world's population as "worldly" and summarily write them off ? The answer of course is that you wouldn't. It doesn't make sense. Sure you can say that they are the closest to the "truth"....but that would have to include the view that massive genocide is God's plan for his "worldly" creation.

    So what really motivates Reniaa to pose as a "JW"?

    What is your dig deep explanation?

    1) I'm motivated by fear (that they may be right, no matter how farfetched, and I will do anything to stay in their good graces)

    2) I have a need to feel superior to others

    3) I need to rationalize all the time and effort I've put in up until this point, therefore I won't admit to pissing away all of that time which I will never,ever get back.

    4) I am influenced by a mind controlling cult which has convinced me that mass genocide of 99% of the world's population is "God's Divine Plan".

    5) I have no friggin clue

    5) ?????????

    Tell me my gentle fellow human, what really motivates you to align yourself with a group that calls itself "Christian" and promotes the idea that 99% of the world's population will be wiped out at Armeggedon?

    Mr. "Worldly"

  • carla

    Who Are You?,

    Bravo! Well done!

  • reniaa

    You missed one out Who are you....

    I'm motivated by the bible.....it is my first love and I can't divorce OT from NT, and when God commited genocide in noahs day how do people justify that, Did Jesus condemn his father for noah's flood? or himself if you are a christian who believes jesus is God therefore, he himself was responsible for the flood and any other extreme actions concerning law-breaking, we wouldn't have to worry about pedophiles then they were just taken away and killed.

    I often point out how most Wts doctrines have scriptorial origins and christian faith origins, as i've mention excommunication was widely practiced by catholics among many faiths lol I may have even ended up burned up as a witch in heretic times,

    The main response to these from posters is JW's are so much worse in their way of dealing with these difficult doctrines.....

  • jgnat

    I avoid the derogatory terms. You might have noticed. I won't give the Watchtower Society more than it's due, but I won't demonise it either. I do it for dignity, and for giving everyone their due.

    Here's a term I find highly offensive from the society, "unbelieving mate". According to the society, I am one. Even though I am a strong believer. Simply for being outside the fold, I am condemned.

  • Bobbi


    Get off your high horse before you fall off.

    Bobbi (the worldly, child murdering, apostate sinner my friends and family who are still loyal Jehovah's Witnesses have labeled me)

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