So Any Newbies and Lurkers - Talk to Us - How Are You Doing ?

by flipper 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lease

    hi flipper,

    i started looking at this site, i think 4 years ago. i think i joined 2 years later (time escapes me). i hardly posted, but read posts. then life got real busy. i would come back to this site every few months just to read posts. just recently, i started posting, but, very little. if this site goes, i dont know where i will go to. i read something on this site about jws, but, i have not gone there....i dont know the address.

    When i left jw org. i moved where no one knew me. did not tell anyone i was an ex-jw. i would feel alone in my situation and want to talk to someone who understands what i have been thru, who knows the jw terminology. so, that i would not feel alone in my situation, i would log onto this site and read.

    when i first left i attended a couple of meetings of ex-jw's in so. cal. cynthia is awesome. in fact, part of my knowing her is on her website. i think the story is entitled "a chance encounter" or "a chance encounter at my door". i first met her because i was going door to door as a witness.

    my story of being in the jw org. is simple and tragic. its in my profile. simple because, a witness took me under their wing when my mom died when i was young. tragic, because of all the lost time i could have been "me" and not a cog in the jw machine.



    Flipper..Your funny dude!.......Yes,SF/Skally has a good grasp,of the big picture,in JW Cyber World............Good luck to you!..................Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW

  • digderidoo

    Good thread flipper, i didn't think there were any newbies about.


  • caliber


    I love you obervations... you sound like a very emotionally mature and balanced person

    good for you ! That's what I believe long time fading does (as both you and I have done) does.

    You don't allow emotion blackmail to disturb you or worse to retaliate at those who still

    love you deeply but are still under misunderstanding and external influence and control !

    all the best to you


  • flipper

    MANDETTE- Thanks for the kind words ! I think lots of us had trouble dealing with the flip-flops in the organizations views of things . Very confusing as well as an indicator of an unsteady organization. I totally understand about keeping close to your parents as mine are in their 80's as well and I avoid any controversy - want to make their last years peaceful and quiet. Glad you are here !

    DIDGEDRIDOO- I am surprised as well at the resonse. But it shows there are people still crawling out of the JW cult's woodwork. LOL!

    CALIBER- I agree that the longer we are faded or out of the organization - we do understand what " mind control" is at work in our JW relatives that causes them to shun us, or behave weirdly. So , you are right- it helps us to take a more balanced, mature outlook on the long range view of things

  • Damocles

    I joined the site 1 month 4 days ago (as per my profile). I enjoy a small amount of internet lurking now and again, but am not much into posting.

    I was a JW for >25 years. Quit about 7 years ago (sent a simple letter "To whom it may concern, I no longer consider myself one of Jehovah's Witnesses, signature, date") with inevitable consequences with regard to family. I was pretty active in following events with JWs immediately after quiting, since I was pretty sure they would self destruct without me. Oddly enough that did not happen, so my attention wandered elsewhere.

    This summer my daughter got married and wanted me and the new wife to come to the wedding - at the hall. Pretty wierd since all we've seen of her in the last 7 years is her cold, left....'bottom' "I cannot talk to you, want nothing to do with you (and particularly that nasty woman you married) for all that time but now I want you at the wedding" So we went. Afterwards, daughter greets my wife before anyone else (could be proximity) and thanks her profusely for attending. Hugs me, says thank you...and thats that. Next chat will probably be on my death bed.

    Anyway, the marriage got me interested again in cloud cuokoo (sic?) land, so I ended up here. Got caught up on the wierdness pretty quickly. The more the appearance of change, the less real change.

    I did find myself back in old habits pretty quickly though, daydreaming, looking at the stuff on the ceiling, wondering what the dude was prattering about, and the occassional 'now that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard' only to hear something even more outrageous a few moments later..and midway through I resisted the urge for the time-honored tradition of the potty break. Felt proud!

  • wobble

    I'm a Newbie,I only discovered this site a short while ago,I have looked at others and joined a couple of the new ones in case JWD goes.

    I hope JWD stays up and running,it has a vibrancy and immediacy that other sites lack,plus the best in "wicked" humour.For me it has helped me keep just the right side of insane,and helped me no end with being able to express my feelings and beliefs to those still in who ask the "Are you O.K?" sort of question(as though you must be ill because you don't go to meetings).

    Keep up the good work Y'all.I will continue to check whats going down on here for as long as it keeps running.

    Love Peace and Wellbeing to all,


  • caliber


    It's good to have you here buddy... welcome... enjoyed your observations about the site !


  • flipper

    DAMOCLES- I know how you feel dealing with your daughter's wedding situation. I was not allowed to walk either of my two daughters down the aisle at their witness weddings just because I'm inactive. Not even DFed ! But I was respectful as I didn't want to spoil their special day . I do hope you see your daughter before your deathbed. Hope I see mine as well. Good to have you here, welcome !

    WOBBLE - It's good to have you here and I am glad you are benefitting from the site.

    CALIBER - Thanks for helping welcome the newbies ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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