Simon interviewed on the conference call...Listen in!

by kool aid man06 23 Replies latest forum announcements

  • GoddessRachel

    He's got the cutest accent; he sounds like a Beatle.

    Simon, I understand your reasons for closing this site, and I appreciate your taking the time to be on that conference call and get interviewed.

    Kool Aid Man, thank you for posting that, and organizing the program and interviewing Simon.


  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    Rachel, you're right, Simon does sound like one of the Beatles. We were so glad that he wanted to come on the call and talk to His friends from JWD.

  • noni1974

    I'm listening right now. Simon has a really nice accent. I'll have to admit I'm not Simons biggest fan but hearing him speak makes him seem more real to me.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Absolutely cool. The call leader sounds like a 1930's radio personality.

  • free2beme

    Very interesting peice.

  • cameo-d

    Simon, that was a very nice interview.

    I was very sorry to learn that you still have family captive.

    You have certainly made your mark in the world and have helped to change the course of history with your "daily sacrifice" of time and energy and making available a platform to give people a voice. It is not only your sacrifice, but your wife as well, and your family.

    I wish you and your family peace, contentment and happiness.


    Yes, It was good o Simon to go on radio and share so much of himself.

    He was quietly spoken and came across as shy and sincere. not at all what I expected.

    Salute Simon

  • slimboyfat

    What I want to know is - how did they manage to get JFK to host the show?

    (I guess that's just a Boston accent is it? But I kept expecting him to say "ask not what your country can do for you" any minute.)

  • kool aid man06
    kool aid man06

    When you hear the voices and the accents of people you get a different perspective of their personalities. When you hear Simon speak one sees a side of Simon that can't be expressed with text. JWD board member Mouthy called in and brought to light her radiant personality. Listen in!

  • slimboyfat

    You did a great job, and Simon too. Cheers all round - especially considering you all have such different beliefs now, but can still be friendly and relate to each other.

    Mouthy was great to - and is that a hint of an English accent I detect from the board's Canadian granny?

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