This is goodbye

by mouthy 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    I have had a wonderful time on here.Thanks to Simon ,Angie,& mods. But it is time for me to sign off.
    I did want you all to read stupid77 post, but I guess you all missed it.

    I wish each & every one God's speed, I hope you will find encouragement from the other sites you join.
    I have come to love so many of you Your kindness has been really appreciated.

    I wont be sending any more to their rooms. But when you do a booboo think of me. LOL!!!!

    Mouthy/Granny/Grace Gough

  • undercover

    Good luck, Mouthy...

    I enjoyed your mature and sensible take on any subject you tackled. Take care...

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Say it ain't so, Grace! Say it ain't so.

    I will miss you so much - you were among the very first people that we found in the Xjw community after leaving the Borg. I still have some original emails in my old Yahoo account from you. Now, going on close to 5 years out, so much is different.

    I wish you so well in future. I hope we stay in touch a little - Xmas cards and occasional email perhaps?

    Jwd will be off the air soon - and many of us are prob not going to move into other sites. Life is a changing panorama.

    Peace and Love to you, Grace.


  • StoneWall

    Take care and best wishes to you mouthy! I have really appreciated your post that I've read over and can tell from what others have said about you that you are a very special person.


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Take care of yourself.

  • minimus

    MOUTHY, Why are you leaving so soon? The site doesn't close til December???

  • Casper

    Awwww, Granny Grace,

    You got me crying now.... I will miss you and your wisdom.

    You've made me smile so many times. I love how devoted you are to your beliefs and have the spunk to speak your mind.

    You are a wonderful Lady, whom I admire greatly... I wish you peace.

    We Love YOU...!!!


  • purplesofa

    See you at facebook, thanks for adding me as your friend.


  • BluesBrother

    I hope we meet again sometime on another board Grace...You are a gracious lady who has contributed shed loads to this board . We are all the better for knowing you, and I feel as though I am losing a friend ..

    As they used to say in Star Trek "live long and prosper" - God speed...

  • Seeker4

    Grace, goodbye and the very best to you. You've been a delight, even to this old atheist!

    Love you, and drop in some of these other threads from time to time and check out your old friends!


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