Protest Sign about Beijing Olympics...

by CaptainSchmideo 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • CaptainSchmideo


    Nuff Said....

    "And now for my next impression...Jesse Owens!"

  • What-A-Coincidence
  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    We in the USA can scream til we are blue in the face about China and her civil rights violations. Much of the world is getting in on some of that action. My problem with the finger pointing is that the USA still does its own share of violating the hell outta people's rights. Since the first Europeans set foot onshore here, the Native People have been treating cruelly and had their rights violated. All through the colonization period the Indians were fought, infected, demonized, and nearly irradicated. Their lands were taken, their water diverted, their women and children butchered , and they were moved under Army protection to Reservations.

    That wasn't all. When they were moved, often there were reasons found to move them over and over again. An example of this...The Black Hills were for the Indians until gold was discovered there and miners snuck in to swipe it. Then Custer and the 7th were sent in to "Protect" them. These were all acts taken in past times. However, things today have not changed much. Our civil rights are being eroded a bit at a time in the name of a war on terror. White, Black, Yellow, Red, and Brown we are all becoming less free every day and it will not be long in my view before we lose many more of our civil rights.

    The USA was one of two Superpowers, then russia vanished and there was just the USA. The world watches the USA and learns lots of tricks everyday. I heard our President condemn China for its violations and felt a slap across my face that stung like hypocrisy.....

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    USA history (even the edited shit we get filtered down to us) shows that we have mutable ethics, etc.

    The USA has been cautious with China for several decades. They are partly responsible for the currency situation, for example.

  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    LOL The US did NOT boycott the 1936 Olympics that were hosted by the Nazi regime and Onkel Addy!

    Aparently the sign guy or gal needs a bit of a history lesson....

  • CaptainSchmideo


    "Those who do not learn from History are doomed to repeat it in Summer School."

  • Gregor

    Tired, Thanks for the giggle.

    I love it when the old "injustice to Indians" stuff is trotted out. The problem is that people like to selectively pick up the historical narrative at the point that fits their rant. Go back a little further and you find the Indians doing the same things (or worse) to each other for as long as time. The Spaniards came along and cleaned the Mayans and Aztecs clock. Those tribes are known today for the cruelty and merciless treatment of those they built their empires on. Somebody always comes along with a bigger hammer. It's called the history of civilization.

  • Octarine Prince
  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Oh crap that's funny

  • heathen

    No kidding that GW is disgusting, period .How can somebody like that talk about civil rights after all the destruction in the mid east or how can he even talk about a loving God and people being allowed to express their beliefs when all you've done is show that you are some religious nut job for all the world to see? Now that's why the chinese banned religion is because people would fight over it all the time , personally I wouldn't miss it if they did away with it in the US .Only true christians would be left since they would be willing to suffer for it not cause suffering over it.

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