who (pant) ... mountain (pant) ... cycles (pant) ...

by Simon 21 Replies latest social physical

  • Simon

    Oh boy, my legs are burning!

    We bought mountain bikes last weekend and have been out every other day or so. Today we went without the kids on a much further ride up some steep hills and along some lovely pathways.

    I used to ride road bikes a lot (10-20 years ago) and go on 5-6 hour rides with groups but this is very different ... I need to keep practicing and will then think about getting a nice Cervelo or something to do the Jasper to Banff ride.

    For now, I'm happy to just get home each time! LOL

    Maybe I should think about a motorbike instead ...

  • MeneMene

    I'm glad you're out having some fun. I went with my daughter one day to a mountain here in Phoenix. I hiked while she rode with two fellas she worked with. They passed me at one point along the trail and she stopped and walked with me a few minutes up a hill. She then got back on the bike and caught up with the guys. As they were getting back to the cars in the parking lot one of the guys looked down at her bike and asked if she had been in that gear the whole time. She said Yes.

    This was her first trip and did not realize she was supposed to be changing gears going up hill. No wonder she was having such a hard time keeping up with the guys!!!

    Change those gears.

  • looking_glass

    I know your pain. I decided to start taking the stairs (going down only for now) when I leave the office. Keep in mind I work on the 40th floor of a building in Chicago. Anyone who thinks going down is not exercise, try it and let me know after a day or two how YOUR legs are feeling. Muscle cream and pain relievers are you best friends for a couple of days.

  • Gregor

    I hear these are much less exhausting. Something to do with the gear ratios?

  • dinah

    I had a 10-speed from Sears when I was 12.

  • Gregor

    I had a one speed from the Goodwill when I was 8.

  • dinah


    Gotta get these cuddly clubs moments in while we can.

    Although I have no idea why I'm huggin' ya.

  • Mary

    Have you been on any of the hiking trails up at Banff yet Simon?? That'll knock the wind out of you, but it's well worth it.....

  • Gregor


    Let's go in the kitchen and start cookin'

  • restrangled

    Hiked a few of the much smaller mountains in Germany and couldn't breathe. (They have rest stop restaurants and I barely made it to the first one!) Had 80 year olds passing me up with pink cheeks and mouths closed. Damn it!

    There were also mountain bikers spinning by like they were biking at sea level. Good god they are in great shape in Bavaria!

    Came home and started spinning and the bike gave out. Pant, Pant, Pant.....have to buy a new stationary bike.!


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