All Americans are going to be fat in 40 years!

by digderidoo 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • beksbks

    Right on LG!

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    I love the line.... "return to my birthweight".... thats MY line! actually, i use it all the time, but i got it from the Simpsons i'm NOT proud to say... did you see it on there?

  • looking_glass

    No New Light, I never saw that one. I have used that expression for years after hearing my GF use it once. I thought it was too good not to use in a sentence at least once a day. I also like "walking stick figure" and "lolly pop head".

  • WTWizard

    It will never get to 100% of all people being fat. You are always going to have some that have metabolic defects that prevent them from ever getting fat. People with Marfan's syndrome will always be excessively thin (and unhealthy). And there are those with wasting diseases that cause them to become dangerously thin. Some will having eating disorders and undereat. And there will always be a few that eat healthy, and will not get fat (unless Codex Alimentarius forces people to eat crap food).

    However, it will get so every normal person will be fat. With all the crap they put in foods to addict people, it is no wonder more people aren't already fat. Most of those items are hidden under "natural flavor" or "spice". And yes, monosodium glutamate in its many disguises is one of them.

  • LouBelle

    South Africans are heading in the same direction. Plus children are getting fatter and fatter and suffering the effects of heart disease and the like from a younger age.

    We had a fantastic series on about heart disease and the importance of keeping yourself healthy.

  • RubaDub
    If 100% of the population will be fat in 40 years, in 50 years that should increase to around 110%, meaning there will be piles of fat in the street not attached to any particular individual.

    Sounds like that is in fulfillment of some prophesy. Rub a Dub

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