Gag alert! Latest email from devout JW Mom

by bud2114 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    "first universal bank of jehovah" is probably the dumbest thing I've heard all day. but I've been drinking this evening so maybe I've said stupider things.

    -- not investing it

  • BizzyBee
    maybe I've said stupider things.

    Nah, NFI. There's nothing stupider.

  • LisaAnn

    I thought god so loved the WORLD that he gave his only-begotten son... sounds like it's the wordly ones that are the special ones, hmm?

  • WTWizard

    At least this spam did not result in a waste of paper.

    But does Jehovah love you enough to send Jesus to die a temporary death for your sins? I don't think so. That was like going to a buffet. The price is high, but most of the food is of excellent quality. You see one course that you do not like, but that does not reduce the value of the buffet. However, that course is paid for, just as the items you do want.

    Thus, Jehovah really only paid for the first person's redemption. After that, the marginal cost of each additional person is zero. Not 1/10,000 of a second--the marginal cost to save additional people after the first is zilch. Effectively, meaning you have zero value to that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag.

    And yet He demands sacrifices out of us, where the marginal cost of those sacrifices is often a real hardship. Field circus, money for the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund, going to boasting sessions, and giving up anything that is fun all detract from enjoyment, only to "pay" for the "priceless" sacrifice. And we don't get to pay one price and then forget it, either.

  • bud2114

    The thought that God chooses individuals to serve him has been a JW mantra for some time. For the life of me, though, I can not remember the scriptural reference - any help out there in JWD land?

    Like most JW's, I used to go along with this line of thinking too. In fact, I can still remember giving a comment to this effect while reading the WT some years back (gasp!).

    I realize now, though, it's all part of the same cult mind control used by the WT Society to manipulate its members thinking - JW's are special, only JW's can explain the bible, only JW's have the truth, only JW's are doing God's will, only JW's are fulfilling bible prophecy, only JW's have love among themselves, only JW's are speaking a pure language, only JW's will survive armaggedon, only JW's use God's name - it goes on and on and on. The WT brass knows that as long as the members are convinced of these things, it is impossible for them to look objectively at anything they say or print no matter how flawed or illogical. Its all about mind control. Its why they don't want members researching anything on their own or meeting or discussing anything in groups (see Sept 07 KM Question box). And why that lately every other WT article (members edition) promotes full obedience to the "F&DS" and it's representative "GB" while dissing every other viewpoint as apostate and coming from Satan? Most JW's dont even realize that they just witnessed a prime example of the cult mind control in action in just the past few weeks. A complete reversal of a major doctrine that has been preached as fact for decades was printed and then group studied (see 4/15/08 WT "generation" flip/flop) and what was the reaction of the faithful members? - "isn't the new light just wonderful?" or "isn't it great that the F&DS is feeding us at the proper time?" No one hardly even questioned it! Even after personally pointing out to a number of my JW friends and relatives what had just happened and then providing proof that this was not "new" at all, but a return to what Russell taught decades ago, not one of them was moved in the slightest. It's been a couple of years since I first began to "awaken" from the WT induced slumber that I was in for so long. And for a while there I wondered how a reasonably intelligent, logical thinking person like myself could have been duped for so long. Or how any person of even marginal intelligence could fall for such a colossal ruse. Are people that gullible? I realize now that it has nothing to do with a person's intelligence but everything to do with the powerful cult mind control techniques used by the WT Society. Ever since Rutherford took over, the Society has played this game for decades and gotten away with it mainly because members are conditioned to turn off their thinking caps the minute they decide to get baptized. All the meetings, assemblies, pubications, WT articles its all part of the conditioning program. Even if nagging doubts or thoughts creep in, JW's are conditioned to shelve these - "wait on Jehovah" and "just leave all the thinking to us, after all the F&DS was chosen by Jesus himself so, we cant be wrong". For months I have provided a number of friends and relatives proof after proof of what the WT Society is all about - their hidden 10 year UN membership with the "scarlet colored beast" and subsequent cover-up, the huge pedophile scandal & cover-up with payouts in the millions, and the most compelling evidence I have seen so far of the farce they are running - the altering of God's sacred word in the NWT to fit their own wrong doctrine. Yet, I have made hardly any headway. I have come to realize there is a greater force at work here and breaking free of the cycle of thinking is more difficult the longer you are in. At least I now know the real meaning of this scripture:

    "among whom the God of this system of things has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, that the illumination of the glorious good news about the Christ, who is the image of God, might not shine through." (2 Cor 4:4)
  • mkr32208
    Regretably, much of the data in question is made up of garbage such as spam and porn, and other worthless stuff.

    Whoa! I take exception to that! Porn is awesome.

  • mustang

    A C-note, a hundred dollar bill? A "Ben Franklin"?

    That's puffed-up pride; that's not showing JW scriptural humility

    Obviously, it should have been a simple, 1$ bill. This deserves at least a Shepheridng Visit and reading a few scriptures on humility.


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