TSA now allowed to take laptops from you

by Devilsnok 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • mkr32208

    Multi level encryption!

    I really hope that when the revolution comes in this nation it's fairly bloodless... I worry about my children!

  • VM44
    Multi level encryption!

    And what will the agents do if they can't read your files? Confiscate the whole computer!

  • hamsterbait


    The true land of the peoples freedom.

    Enjoy the Olympics, driving without restriction to the arena in your car, and surf the net for porn and anti government info.

    I know 9/11 is only part of this story, but all this didnt come from nowhere.


  • IP_SEC
    There is the matter of the US Constitution's Bill of Rights

    This is YOUR fault. You dont expect the government to give you your rights do you?

    Rights have to be reserved on an individual level. Sometimes that means insisting. Other times it means blood shed.

  • Dorktacular

    You have no rights at the airport, which is why I avoid flying at all costs. Apparently, airports aren't considered to be part of the United States and our laws don't apply there. I refuse to be treated like a criminal in exchange for my money. When I do have to fly for business, I pack up all my stuff in a huge Fedex box and ship it ahead of me to my hotel. That way, no stupid ass "security" person is going through my stuff picking out items that they'd like to have at home and my clothes aren't rearranged into shreds and knots. In October 2001, a "security" agent snapped my laptop in half at the hinges.... They wouldn't pay for the damage. I learned my lesson. The only thing I take to the airport is my wallet and my ticket. Everything else gets shipped ahead. I think the next time I fly, I'll just show up in a loincloth because these assholes want you to disrobe every time you go through security. I'm surprised there aren't any nudist airlnes out there! Think of how fast the security line would move!

  • Octarine Prince
    Octarine Prince

    Read Dorktacular's post.

    Read it again.

    This is exactly what I think.

  • oddpotter

    ha ha,

    they make me take off my shoes

    that's punishment enough for the TSA

  • IP_SEC
    You have no rights at the airport,

    Thats where you're wrong. As a self-sovereign I have every right I reserve unto myself as long as I dont harm anyone or their property.

  • VoidEater


    *Go* to China? Why? It will be *here* soon enough at this rate...

  • AGuest

    I'd like to comment, if I may, thanks... and may you all have peace!


    Amendment IV

    The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects,against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

    The operative word here is "unreasonable." If Congress has "reason" to believe that laptops (or how they can be used/something within them) pose a threat, they can use the "Necessary and Proper" clause to make any law they wish as a prevention/intervention tool, including what they consider to be "reasonable" search and seizure for the safety of the public.

    Now, the potentially offending part:

    I don't particularly like the intrusion on my privacy... and certainly not the inconvenience. However, I will suffer BOTH... if it means that no one gets on my plane with the means to bring it down. I will stand in line all day... and let them search every crack and crevice (of my luggage/carryons - ) if that's what it takes.

    Because I apparently look "exotic" and have traveled out of the country, these days I get pulled over to the side virtually every time I get on a plane. International or domestic. Coming or going. Doesn't matter. And each time the officers start apologizing. My response? "No problem. Take your time. Check me out thoroughly, 'cause I'm expecting you to check everyone else out, too. You wanna look in my bag? Please, go right ahead. Look. Here, let me open it for you. 'Cause the LAST thing I want is for someone with a bomb, weapon, trigger, ignition or whathaveyou to get on that plane with me." And you know what? They smile, thank me for understanding that they're "just doing [their] job," and get on with it as quickly as they can.

    In my mind? This issue is just like the U.S. Constitution, Affirmative Action, and Equal Protection: if someone hadn't screwed up and caused some harm to begin with, none of this would be necessary. If someone hadn't oppressed, wrongfully seized, denied another a valid trial, discriminated, or otherwise violated someone else's civil rights... none of these would be necessary. If someone hadn't blown up two pretty large buildings and killed a few thousand innocent people... none of this would be necessary, either.

    We should keep it in perspective: there are cons... and pros... to security cameras... luggage checks... and laptop seizures. If you have nothing to hide... shouldn't be too much of a problem and certainly worth ensuring your flight makes it to its destiny.

    I bid you all peace.

    SA, on her own

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