Has Anyone On This Board Ever Had a Near Death Experience?

by Rapunzel 30 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Annie Over
    Annie Over

    you seem to say that there is an afterlife that is available to some people. Do you think that it is only for a select goup, and not everyone? I might not be doing this right since I don't really know how to answer a post,.. but I thought we learned that EVERYBODY who has ever died will be resurected. Isn't that the great white throne judgement?? The part where it says 'The dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended? I have always thought that they were called dead because they have not yet received eternal life, and during the thousand years they are in a judgement period, where they become perfect and can prove themselves worthy of living forever in the New Earth. And it also says .. The first will be last and the last will be first.. To me that means that the first people to ever die will be resurected last and the last to die will be the first ones resurected. This is because the last people to die will know about all the changes that have taken place on earth. That way each generation will be able to explain all the events that have taken place to the ones who died before them. They will also be able to recognize the friends and relatives who died before them. Each perosn will reach perfection and will have the same chance to live forever that perfect Adam had. When satan is let out for a little while at the end of the thousand years, the ones who resist him will not be called dead anymore,and will have attained everlasting life. And that is why is says .. The dead did not come to life until the end of the thousand years. ( Did anyone else learn it this way when going to the Hall)?

  • slimboyfat

    I am digging this thread up (oh dear what a metaphor to use) to ask:

    Whatever happened to Rapunzel she(?) seemed to disappear. A great poster she was too.

  • BurnTheShips

    Whatever happened to Rapunzel she(?) seemed to disappear. A great poster she was too.

    Yes indeed.


  • belbab


    My last conscious thought was looking down at that little hospital gurney and saying to myself: "You are certainly going to sleep well tonight." In my eyes, that little, uncomfortable gurney seemed like a king-sized, quilted bed.

    This thought you had could have programmed you to experience no consciousness, not even a dream. It also could have programmed you to wake up because you said you would sleep and from sleep one wakes up.

    To remember dreams one is instructed to keep a note book by your bed, and before sleep tell yourself you want to remember your dreams. You did the opposite, you told yourself to go to sleep, and sleep well.

    Some Literature on death and dying says that one must be aware of all thoughts as you approach dying. Only then would that thought remain in memory after you are DOA.

    I have had an Out of Body experience, it could have been a Near Death experience, I wasn't measuring or labeling the event.


  • belbab

    Does a Google ad show up on eveyone's page two of this thread "When we die?

    Just curious.


  • Quirky1

    Yes, on more than one occasion. I was in a coma for a couple of days, heart stopped and had to be jump started. Several car accidents have nearly claimed my life. Kinda spooky to be in a coma. I've no memory of those days before and throughout until I awoke.

  • Gram

    I also have the Google ad on page 2. How is it that they can advertise on JWN?

  • bythesea

    I work with hospice and there are many stories of those who are dying who pass back and forth from the living realm to the "other world" before finally leaving their body behind. I have not witnessed this personally but it isn't uncommon to hear from families and hospices workers that this phenomenon takes place. When "on the other side" the ill person frequently talks about/with dead loved ones and seems in conversation with them. It is evidently a powerful thing to be eye witness to as they are at peace and enjoying themselves.

    Here's a true story related by one of the hospice educators: a young woman with terminal cancer had gone to make a last visit to family some distance from her home. Her fiance was to join her the following week. While at her families home she took a turn for the worse and it was obvious she didn't have much time left. Her fiance was contacted and told to come NOW....on the way there he was killed in a car accident. It was decided that she should not be told of his death and nothing was said or talked about in her presence so as not to distress her. But.....within a few days she began referring to her brother by her fiances name.....he kept correcting her until finally she opened her eyes and told him "no, John is with me now....he's going to help me....you don't have to worry about me." She died soon after. Makes one wonder....and this is just one of many such stories of those who cross back and forth....before actual death.

    Another book that tells of near death experiences is "Life after Life" by Dr. Moody.....he also worked in a childrens hospital and shares his experiences with dying children....who appear to be more open to these portals.

  • BurnTheShips

    I know two people that have had what you would call an NDE, or an OOBE. One is a member of my family. The white light, life review, peace, everything. Both of them say they were never the same again. Their lives were changed after what they experienced.


  • rebel8

    I've been almost dead a few times but had no magical experiences.

    Whatever happened to Rapunzel she(?) seemed to disappear.

    I heard she finally climbed out of the tower and ran away with the prince.

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