Is It Me Or Are The Males of Today More Feminine and/or Nerdy Than Ever B4?

by minimus 88 Replies latest jw friends

  • New light for you
    New light for you

    Sorry sweetstuff...

    I crack jokes and puke at movies like "PS i love you"... YUCK! and if i had a man that cried at that? i couldn't respect him.

    TITANIC SUCKED! "oh i love you forever and would die for you, and i met you an hour ago" PLEASE!

    You havn't talked about what they want WOMEN to be like! God forbid you not want to just sit and CRY at these movies.... instead if you have an understanding of how OBSURD these stories are... then what are you? Give me a manly man any day!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Oh stop it you big silly man you!

  • trevor

    Quite which qualities are totally male or female is a matter of debate. When I was growing up we looked to the Hollywood hunks as role models. Actors like Rock Hudson, Carey Grant, James Dean, Burt Lancaster - you know the real men.

    Turns out they were either gay or bi-sexual. Perhaps we are just more honest now and free to present what we are to the world instead of presenting what we think the world wants us to.

    A lot of outwardly feminine men are straight and big hairy types can be gay. There are no rules and why should there be?

  • purplesofa
    Have you seen the Big Bang Theory TV show? It's hysterical. The 3 guys personify nerds. Being a nerd is in this century.

    I love this show, did they take it off the air or move it to another time slot? Big Bang followed by Two and a Half Men, my fav TV time.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    Only in Western culture. In my view, our mechanized work and easy lifestyle has weakened us physically as well as mentally. We don't see much of that weakness in third world countries. We just call them backward.....LOL My brother and I fight the urge to be progressive males and avoid what he coined the "Pussification" of the American male by going camping, fishing and hunting in remote and dangerous areas that force us to use our wits and strengths to their fullest.

  • Robdar

    Most metrosexuals I've met are merely acting that way to pick up women. I find them extremely unattractive and have no desire to mate with them.

    I have girlfriends. Why would I need a man to fill that role?

  • Twitch
    I have girlfriends. Why would I need a man to fill that role?

    Good point.

    Also, we can't and don't want to

  • FlyingHighNow

    There is a difference between good grooming and being froo froo about it. I recall lots of business men buying cuticle cream from me when I worked in a gift shop.

    I want a man to have some sensativity, but he needs to have gumption and backbone, too. I don't want him so perfectly coifed and manicured that he looks better than me. I say, kiss, or keep it simple stud.

  • holly_golightly

    I think a major thing to consider is that really, people aren't looking for a "man", they're looking for someone that they want to spend time with. And that could be either a very gruff and tough person or a more graceful and elegant acting person. Is one better than the other? No, it just depends on what their preference is. And of course, if you don't like what's on TV, you don't have to watch it.

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    Have you seen the Big Bang Theory TV show? It's hysterical. The 3 guys personify nerds. Being a nerd is in this century.

    I love this show, did they take it off the air or move it to another time slot? Big Bang followed by Two and a Half Men, my fav TV time.


    We adore this show... it's still on and we noticed it WAS picked up for another season... EVERYONE check it out! you dont want it to be lost out! BUT, in keeping with topic, YES, the guy on the show is GREAT at being "affemenant" ok, i have NO idea how to spell it, but i believe that's what he is.. NOT metro, NOT gay, just...whatever that word is i cant spell, and does it perfectly. Now, i would be friends with him, cuz he's just awesome.

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