The BESTEST present ever! (NOT)

by LDH 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nannygoat

    I just remembered another funny story about my ex...

    I was waiting tables and just finished a double-shift. It was about 2 in the morning, my dogs were howlin', and I was limp as a dead fish. When I got home I decided I was going to treat myself to a bubble bath. So I ran the hot water and got some bubble beads and a glass of vino. As I'm sitting in the water relaxing, he comes into the bathroom and sits on the toilet. He proceeds to tell me he has something to ask me. Right then he proposes to me. Me - hot, sweaty and exhausted after working a 14 hour day and him sitting on the toilet. Pretty romantic, huh? All I remember is asking him, "You're asking me now? While you're sitting on the stool?"



  • mommy

    Lisa Typical
    One year I gave my step son and hubby $100 to buy me a few dainty pair of gold earrings. I never wear anything but real gold or silver, due to a nasty infection once. I figured for $100 they could buy me a few pairs of $30 earrings. I even told them which ones I wanted a few days before. Can't get a bigger hint than that!

    Christmas morning, I had about 20 tiny boxes under the tree, I should have known then! They had spent the whole $100 on cheap $5 gold filled, u-g-l-y earrings! I had to cough up a grin for that, I was so disappointed, but he was so happy I hated to make him feel bad. Of course I never took them back, but I never wore them either, I still have them somewhere, I wouldn't even give them away haha.

    I agree Andi, Gift Certificates!

    I can't stand perfume either Give me a good body spray for after the shower and I am good to goEvery now and then I will use a dash of Oscar Del Renta. I have had the same bottle for 6 years...hehe Is there an expiration date on that stuff?

    When I leave, you will know I have been here

  • momoftwo

    Does a cat brush and pet hair remover in my stocking last year count?


  • moman

    Geesh! us guys are stupid,huh? Iz it stupid,laziness,indefference, or, are we just a bunch of PIGS?
    Who waz it that said,"men just want 2 things, a beer & something neckid"....not me!

  • waiting

    Dear Mom,



  • momoftwo

    I beg to differ.


    I forgot to add that this past mother's day I got two pot holders.

  • JanH

    We could rename this thread "women are unthankful beings who should be happy to find coal in their socks"

    I make a point of never buying something I am explicitly asked to buy. Sure, general hints like "jewlery" or "clothes" are well received, but "I want THAT one" isn't. Goes against the point of presents for me.

    K I made one exception. My then-wife had run out of the perfume i'd bought her earlier, so I bought a new one. Sure, you can always miss with some presents. Buying clothes is always risky, but when you see it becomes her favorite wear for the next year, it's worth it.

    I can't believe guys being ignorant about what their gf/wife likes or can use, like gold vs silver. But oh well, some men (and some women!) should stick to gift certificates. Imaginative NOT!

    - Jan
    "Doctor how can you diagnose someone with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and then act like I had some choice about barging in here right now?" -- As Good As It Gets

  • waiting


    I've been working on my husband now for 20 years - we just go away on a vacation around Christmas - and our anniversary is xmas we figured that covered it.

    But this year, I want to celebrate xmas - and it's our 20th anniversary. I said, to the effect: "By God, I want something - and I want it nice." He gave me his same ol' boy look - like "what the hellllllll?"

    Friday night, he came home, late, and gave me a little small box. I squinted at him like "what've you been up to, ol man?" And then his shit eatin' grin came forth (which is a rarity for him to grin in anyway, btw.)

    I opened, and there sat a real 2 carat diamond ring. I was impressed! So was he! It wasn't new (he buys nothing new - that's how he got a divorce' with 3 kids) - so I found out how much he paid for it because I have to get it appraised for insurance. I was still impressed! So was he!

    On occasion, that man is impressively outstanding. Can't wait for my 40th anniversary!


  • peaceloveharmony

    i once got a plastic cutting board for my birthday. true, i (read "we" since we were living together) needed one but come on

  • nelly136

    way to go waiting!, am guessing he must think youre pretty outstanding too, actually I dont know if its the same over here
    but they put a huge mark up and tax on new jewellry , so to get real value for money if you get second hand you actually get the worth of what youre buying instead of paying extra in taxes

    yup am really ungrateful jan, I'd take a £2 bottle of coconut oil
    over a £50 ish bottle of elizabeth arden anyday

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