My lesbian neighbors are driving me nuts!

by dawg 52 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • dawg

    OK my gay friends, I'm going to pick on you a minute, but you know I love you all...

    Me... liberal male, could care less what you do with your sex organs, I only care about what I do with mine...that said, I've several gay friends... none of which are monogamous. Not saying there isn't any that are just none that I've known.

    So, my next door neighbors are lesbians, neither are the hate all males types like some I have known in the past... matter of fact, one loves sports and hangs out here watching football and other sports with me at least once a week.

    Trouble: One of the ladies has been screwing around while the other's at work or out of town... so she wants me to lie to the kinda butch one... problem is, I'm not a very good liar and I don't feel good about it.

    I've covered her ass a time or two, it hurt my conscience especially given the fact that I don't even lie to the lovers I have...but to keep the neighborhood piece (pun intended)... well you know.

    So Friday, she (the non-butch lesbian) leaves the bar tab unpaid, I had to pay it... then when I see her this AM, I tell her she owes me money, she had left the bar with a dude I figured was gay, but apparently not... I really didn't know what happened as far as when she left the bar, but butch lady was working out of town, and I didn't know the other liked her meat with her fish (she cheated with this dude).

    So, butch lady found out about her cheating ways... listen folks, these two ladies beat each other up like two drunken sailors... its sucks living next door to that. What am I to do? I'm thinking about telling them to buzz off until they can both be true full and stop being violent. Hell, the butch one might be able to kick my ass! LOL! Should I tell them to leave me alone until they shape up, especially given the fact I don't want ti get involved? Should I call the police when they start their beatings? Damn, this is the first time I've had a neighbor I wished would move? what should I do?

  • Priest73

    Boy was I wrong. I thought you meant literally.

  • mrsjones5

    Step back and tell them to take of their bizness. Call the cops next time they have a fight, doesn't matter if it's two women or a man and a woman fighting.

  • John Doe
    John Doe

    So, this pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel sticking out the front of his pants. Everyone looks at him with a raised eyebrow, and he replies "ARRRRRRRRRR, IT'S DRIVING ME NUTS!!!"

  • whyamihere

    Tell me where you live and I'll come over, make the butch look bad and as if her and I are together and break up the relationship!

    You wouldn't have to do a thing, just watch!

    If it were me? I would try lose all contact with your "little lesbo friend" keep your distance.

  • Priest73

    we must watch the same shows John Doe.

  • BizzyBee

    But don'tcha love it when they high-five each other and say, "You da man!" "No, you da man!"

  • MsMcDucket
    What am I to do? I'm thinking about telling them to buzz off until they can both be true full and stop being violent. Hell, the butch one might be able to kick my ass! LOL! Should I tell them to leave me alone until they shape up, especially given the fact I don't want ti get involved? Should I call the police when they start their beatings? Damn, this is the first time I've had a neighbor I wished would move? what should I do?

    Tell them that it's their mess not yours; and frankly, you're sick of being put in the middle of their grown up affairs! Tell them to handle their business!


    My name is Bennett and I ain't in it!


    To the left!


    Leave me the heck of this!


    You're stressing me out! Go home!

  • Indo_Dude

    The advice is the same I would give you if it was a str8 couple living next door.

    If one or both of them try to get you to conspire with you about their lies, just be honest. Say, "I like/love the both of you, so plese don't put me in the middle of this, it isn't fair", and say it meekly and well meant. No one can get mad at you for not wanting to lie for them.

    Secondly, if any neighbor starts a fight where you think physical violence is involved, you need to call the cops. Most of the cops I've ever met never disclose who complained or just "a neighbor but weren't given the info from dispatch".

    It sounds like their relationship is imploding and will result in a breakup or a reconciliation. If you pick a side in either case it may bite you in the arse, so try to stay neutral.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I'd invite them over, separately, tell them you I am not going to support their cheating in any way and that the violence needs to stop, like yesterday. If it doesn't, I'd tell them I will most certainly call the police. Being afraid the police will intervene and one or both will go to jail will be strong incentive to get a grip. And suggest couples counseling or anger management. I'd ask if they like living up to the lesbian drama stereotype that lesbians toss around. And I'd tell them I don't need their drama and that until they get a grip, I don't want our circles crossing. That's what I'd do, if I was a big, strong man. Being a short, sissy, girly girl, I'd just call the police.

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