Banned from my sisters wedding

by LunaFing 54 Replies latest jw experiences

  • still-fading

    I don't get it too amama2six. Have you ever seen or been to a deaf sign language hall? They have a normal speaker, as you guessed mostly "bro's" and the signer, which is always a "sis" has to wear the head thing just to sign!?!?!? But as I said in my earlier post, most things are done just for show. Almost always void of any logic or reason.

  • kerj2leev
    When i was Dfd I went to the KH for the ceremony of my little brothers wedding, and after the talk, my middle brother came up to me and in front of all the relatives smiled shook my hand and said with a grin "Stay Out Of The Pictures!" and walked away. .

    Sorry dude! What a bunch of heartless fucks!

    Just remember you are the better person. It's not always easy but in the long run you will grow from this.

  • amama2six

    I've seen some signers at conventions, still-fading, and like you said they always had the head covering. To RELAY information from the male speaker...are you KIDDING ME??? I was a pretty involved kid (or is that "kiss-ass" LOL) and led a few prayers in my day. I, also, was made to wear the head covering. :mad:

    I am amazed at how deep the "don't talk to DFed people, including relatives" goes in people. After 12 years I recently started a "Tagged" account and accidentally invited all of the people in my Hotmail contacts list. Much to my surprise, WHO responds and opens his own account? My DAD!!! I was shocked, as this man (who I was really close to as a child) has not had more than a handful of conversations with me throughout the years, even though he himself hasn't attended KH (except for a few Memorials) since shortly after I left. He and my stepmom are still convinced I'm spawn of the Devil (wonder what that makes my Dad? LOL). Actually I think it's mostly my stepmom but he kisses her ass to keep the peace in his house. I get messages from him in the wee hours of the morning, now, when she's either sleeping or on her paper route. Pretty sad that a 52 year old man has to sneak talking to his own DAUGHTER.

    Here's a picture of the witch and my Dad (who normally doesn't have a beard but grew one at the time because my oldest daughter wanted to see what he looked like).


  • teflon

    I'm sorry for the pain that this is causing you. I hope it will be of short duration. This doesn't work for everyone, but, I find the best course of action is to take the high road. If their plan is to hurt you, don't give them the satisfaction. Plan something fun to do that night. Send your sister a nice card, say "sorry to miss your special day". Smile, don't ask for photos, make them think you don't care. Remember that shunning only works if they think that they are punishing you. Your sister will regret her actions someday, maybe she'll invite you to her second wedding (most of the JW's that got married in my peer group are all divorced.) My parents tried the whole shunning thing on me once. After they heard from worldly relatives about my husband graduating from college (they didn't know he was even attending) they knocked it off real quick. I think they realized that my world would keep turning without them, plus it made them look really stupid to the relatives. (they probably also smelled money). During that time I realized who my true friends and family are. I can't control their actions, but I can control my reaction.

  • dawg

    So damn true Teflon... Honestly, after that I can't add more... good job... But this made me laugh my ass off.. "Bwa hah hah"! Maybe I'm stoned, but Bwa, hah, hah, !, is one hell of an online laugh.

  • cawshun

    Hi Luna,

    I agree with Hubert, buy her COC for a wedding gift, if not, why not have it on your bookshelf. You said when she comes over all she does is go get a book off the shelf and read. Let her find COC the next time. I'm sorry your being treated this way.


  • worf


    I had the same type of experience back in August of 2000. My younger sister banned me from her wedding just because I was questioning the organization on a number of issues. And I was not disfellowshipped or disassociated.


  • sass_my_frass

    Sorry to hear it. My siblings didn't even send me an SMS on my wedding day, I don't think I'll ever be able to respect them again for that. Be graceful about it though; send her a gift or flowers or something beforehand. Send her a nice, no-guilt message on the day. The spiteful little loon will appreciate it and think that this makes everything ok. Obviously it doesn't, but it makes you the bigger person.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Mail her "Crisis of Conscience" as a wedding gift.


    I agree with Hubert also. Do the Witnesses still open presents at the reception? If so, and you could get it there, can you imagine the shock of all in attendence? OMG

    Do what everybody else has said, take the highroad,, and give her a little love gift, but do wrap up a copy of the book, and have a messenger take it to the reception hall.

  • LunaFing

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. my sister called me today while I was at work and caught me completely off guard. I told her that it really hurt me that I wasn't invited to her wedding and she said it hurt her as well, but that her relationship with Jehovah was more important than any other relationship. Her reason for not inviting me is that I was reproved ten years ago and have not tried to make up for it. She told me that reproved people aren't allowed to attend JW social gatherings. I told her that that didn't make any sense. I'm not DF'd. So to make a long story short, I told her that I hated her stupid religion for tearing families apart, told her to leave me alone and never to call me again and hung up on her. :( I didn't mean to do that. I love her and I don't want to hurt her, but she caught me off guard . I've been an emotional wreck for the past two days because of her and I couldn't help it. I feel so bad.

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