"WT = Occult Org" due to oaths & ...

by alliwannadoislive 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Seeker
    So where is Norm, Farkel, Kent, Alan F?

    Dunno, but I'm personally sick of the subject, which is why I usually no longer post to these topics (note the word "usually" before you jump on me here). Maybe they are sick of debunking this masonic nonsense month after month, year after year, only to have yet another newbie who thinks they have found this amazing link to the Watchtower (without noticing the lack of hard evidence) show up with the same old story that has been debunked time and again.

    Real believers, of course, don't believe it has been debunked at all, so they like to jump in with more stuff on the subject. But Norm, Farkel, Kent, Alan F? It must get old after years of the same circles.

    Now, true believers will take this response and claim that I am a mason, or in denial, or an alien. Whatever. The above is my guess why those four posters usually leave this topic alone, as I am beginning to do as well. What's the point of arguing when no one cares to listen?

  • alliwannadoislive

    seeker, oh great one, i bow to your superior personage - were you ever an elder or maybe even a more elite rank in the society ? i never was so i guess you can see the extent of my faith

    your comments remind me of a sister who said to my wife and i, as newbies there too incidently, 'oh you'll soon get fed up of singing 'we're jehovah's witnesses' us that have always been in the truth have been singing it for so long now' ... sorry to muscle in on your elitist sensitivities ...

    sincerely, alliwannadoisnotbesoeasilyoffended

  • Seeker

    Sigh. Believe what you want. I was answering a question as to why certain well-known posters were ignoring this thread. I suggested a possible explanation, based on what I have observed over the years, and expressed my personal opinion.

    Your opinion also counts. There are no elders here, and I'm mystified when a hierarchy is suggested in this place. If you disagree with something I say, I appreciate it when you say so. The sarcasm wasn't needed, but that's your right too.

    I answered a question that was posed in this thread. I'm done.

  • alliwannadoislive

    That last post of mine has been bugging me all evening - I regretted it as soon as I pressed ‘send’ - I rarely rise to a prod - and tend to save my sarcasm for a friendly bout of reparté - I’m truly sorry if I offended in return - I would however also ask you to review your posting and see if my fit of pique was maybe a little understandable

    I wasn’t suggesting a band of elite here on the board - I haven’t met with anything other than support and kindness - something rarely experienced at the KH - I just got that horrible feeling of being tutted at during the ‘watchtower study’ for making an apparently inane comment

    anyhow - this thread was not aimed at the more experienced of you - I found a site which I thought others might enjoy and have a comment on - however my confidence is, like many ex-cultists, easily shattered ...

  • Dino

    Hi alliwannadoislive. Norm, Kent, AlanF, and Farkle are brilliant guys, true enough. When they post they usually "bring something to the table", not just a tsk-tsk and a rolling of the eyes. All of the ancillary subjects are fascinating. I have found that when I start down one path two or three more open up. And it takes objective (read cold-blooded) searching. Looking at BOTH sides of the coin. What I am finding is that the scope of this subject really does seem to broaden. Im having alot of fun and I encourage you to do the same.


  • Seeker


    I appreciate your follow-up very much, and now understand where your original comment came from. Yes, of course, my original post contained inflammatory comments, but they were not directed at you in any way. Naturally, it appeared they were directed at you, something I should have taken pains to make clear was not the case. If I thought such comments were directed at me, I would have also gotten upset, so I know where you are coming from.

    I have seen this particular subject argued back and forth so many times I'm sick of it, and thus my shorthand disgust. But we all have to learn for ourselves, and I applaud your willingness to learn. May your journey be a fruitful one. I mean you no ill will whatsoever.

  • Seeker

    Quick follow-up: I just realized I did comment about "newbies" finding this stuff all over again, and that, of course, was a comment directed at you, wasn't it? I was rude toward you in a way I should not have been. We all come across this subject for the first time, and we deserve to be treated with respect. My disgust is toward those who come across the subject for the twentieth time, while ignoring the counter-arguments that discredit it.

    To you, alliwannadoislive, I offer an apology for being rude.

  • alliwannadoislive

    that's cool seeker - good to meet you

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