So, someone clue me in.

by Blasty 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Blasty

    Lots of great comments all. Thanks. I've definately been reading and posting, and I find this board to be refreshing. It's amazing to see how many people have gone through the same things I have. Maybe we all ended up in different places as I see by some of your comments, but that's good.

    To the few atheists that posted, that's cool, I understand how you got there. My oldest brother is now an atheist after some amazingly harsh treatment by the WTBTS. he had it really bad compared to me.

    I was on the verge of being an atheist, because nothing anyone said was convincing, nothing I read in any religouos material was convincing. Until one day I started to study physics, and well the laws of physics convinced me to believe in God. How many people could do a math equation and find God in it? Probably not many haha.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Welcome Blasty !

    Alright, so I'm reading on this site, and I'm not 100% sure what it's about. It appears to be a bunch of former JW people bashing everything they can get their hands on in relation to JW's.

    Well, we haven't bashed everything in relation to JWs... but give us time and we'll get around to it all.

    B the X

  • BabaYaga

    Welcome, Blasty! I just saw this thread. You're in the right place.


  • Lady Zombie
    Lady Zombie
    Hence the atheist question, since I do have trouble with them, although I try to play nice and avoid starting crap haha.


    I'm an atheist but I don't go around and purposely try to dissuade the theists' beliefs. If someone says to me, 'I believe in god' I don't start quoting scientists and philosophers to change their beliefs.


    I tell a theist that, 'I don't believe in god,' they usually start in on me with scripture. Scripture after scripture after scripture. Then, when I tell them, 'Sorry, but I've read the bible cover to cover and I still don't believe in god,' they tell me they'll pray for me because I need to find Jesus and the last thing I want to do is die without Jesus.

    Haha indeed.

  • Blasty

    hah, you know what lady zombie. I always found it to be funny, that when someone says "I don't believe in God", that a person would try to use the bible to prove that God exists. It's almost like they didn't hear a word you said. And furthormore, to aim Christian doctrine at you is still being silly, since you'd have to believe in God first, before you could start considering the many concepts of God.

    yeah, I won't try to dissuade you, but I know where your coming from. I should probably start with my own brother if I'm going to harass anyone eh?

  • a

    Hi all I was wondering if anyone on this post has raymond franz email address cause these so many questions that i would love to ask him for example who does he think babaloyn the great is, what the good news of the kingdom is what does it mean by the book in psalms where it says the mmek will inherit the earth if we are all going to heaven, iam an x jw an belive that the jw relgion is not the truth but there r still answers iam not sure about even who is the faithful and distrect slave

  • LovesDubs

    Welcome Blasty. I personally hate the term bashing...since as a JW all we ever DID was "bash" virtually EVERY other religion out there saying that they were all under Satan except us. And...not one positive thing was ever said in any article in any watchtower publication ever about anybody elses faith out I suppose you could say we learned "bashing" from the experts, the WTS. All of us were hurt one way or the other by this cult and this forum has allowed us all to vent our sorrows, our rages, our freedom, our doubts, our family problems without retribution and sanctions by some cult.

    I feel sorry for anyone who left the organization before the internet...they must have felt SO alone out there. I hope they find us!


  • BabaYaga

    Loves Dubs quote:

    "I feel sorry for anyone who left the organization before the internet...they must have felt SO alone out there."

    That was me, for twenty years.

    HA! I called it a "pre-Google exit".

  • 1914BS

    I was raised a JW but left it for similar reasons - too much man made doctrines - but some of the teachings I think are fairly correct such as paradise with government ruled by God. Other than that the JW teachings are largely man made so I have basically chosen what seems to make the most sense.

  • nameless_one

    Hi Blasty and welcome :-)

    Until one day I started to study physics, and well the laws of physics convinced me to believe in God. How many people could do a math equation and find God in it? Probably not many haha.

    I like you already LOL. I am one who doesn't fit comfortably into organized religion, and I don't want to. But I do see "God" in math and physics and biology, in nature and the world at large.

    Nice to have you here, welcome

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