Wouldn't it be cool if you could make someone see your perspective?

by sweetstuff 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • sweetstuff
    So now Sweetstuff wants Brainwashing powers over people! If you were Jehovah we would have no free will.....free will to obey you or die...take your pick!

    Nah, I wouldn't be an Archtypical God, I wouldn't command crime and punishment for all who disobeyed me, more like use my power to amuse myself, oh wait...I see your point.

    Mr. M...baggy underwear? Umm, I don't think you'd find my thongs too comfy, lol.

    JD, too complicated? Nope, it would be like watching CPAC (the canadian parliment channel) alot of hot air, and boring as all get out!

  • John Doe
    John Doe
    alot of hot air, and boring as all get out!

    You could have just said "Canadian" for the same effect.

  • LovesDubs

    I have had fantasies of taking the JWs in my life and tieing them into chairs and gagging them so they couldnt interrupt me and spending hours telling them all the shit I have found out about their so called TROOF. That way they couldnt shun me, interrupt me, hold their ears closed, or run screaming from the room going "LA LA LA LA LAAAAAA I cant HEEEEAAAR YOUUUUU, LA LA LA LA LAAAAAAA!!!!"

    The other fantasy involves putting them all on a one way boat to some isolated island in the pacific where they could all wait for armageddon together and get an idea of what it will be like during the Millenium to be ONLY WITH JWS day in and day out. Paradise my ass. :)

    ha...sweet revenge!

  • sweetstuff

    The other fantasy involves putting them all on a one way boat to some isolated island in the pacific where they could all wait for armageddon together and get an idea of what it will be like during the Millenium to be ONLY WITH JWS day in and day out. Paradise my ass. :)

    ha...sweet revenge!

    LMFAO, now if that island had hidden video cams that would be a whole other Big Brother!!!

  • changeling

    If my parents could have a peek at my childhood memories they could not deal with it. They are so convinced that what they did was the right thing that if they trully saw how warped our life was I don't think they could wrap their brains around it.

    Would be nice though.


  • jaguarbass

    I think its called Karma,

    Your mother will find out in her next life.

    Paybacks are a bitch.

    Actually were not paying anything back its just karma. What goes round comes around.

    It sucks being more mature and wise than your parents. Its not biblical.

    But it is kind of HIndu.

  • Mincan
  • sweetstuff

    It would be very cathardic though, to be able to shock them into reality from your perspective, versus the la la land they choose to live in. I know its in most cases never going to happen, including mine, but I can dream right?

  • Frog
    I have had fantasies of taking the JWs in my life and tieing them into chairs and gagging them so they couldnt interrupt me and spending hours telling them all the shit I have found out about their so called TROOF.

    oh yes I think we've probably all been there! I don't know if visulaising and daydreaming about such things actualy helps to vent it or just makes it worse?...

    ss, I know what you mean, I don't think anyone but he people closest to you in your life now could possibily understand how your lifes experiences have affected you. I know how you feel, I really do. x

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