are mixed race marriages ok?

by Star57 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PrimateDave

    1. There is no such thing as a "pure" race, therefore there is no such thing as a "mixed" race. There is only the Human race. Physical features like color mean nothing. The only real obstacle to a long term relationship could be cultural customs (yours and his) and your ability to adapt and change as needed.
    2. The Bible says that slavery is OK, but would you agree with that today? Anything the Bible says in one part can be countered in another part. Besides, if you are a Christian, what do you imagine Jesus would say?
    3. Shouldn't you be more interested in what real life friends and family have to say about your relationship rather than strangers on the internet? The people who really know you might have good advice to give you that is not based on prejudice.
    4. Can anyone tell you who to love?


  • BluesBrother

    Do what ever you like, You are a big girl now...if you marry him, have a happy life

    Incidentally, there is at least one bible precedent . Ruth was Moabite , Boaz was a Israelite , and they became ancestors of Jesus Christ ..and Moses wife was a Midianite

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I'm in a mixed marriage and it does have it's complications. For example:

    I like oatmeal with blueberries, she prefers plain.

    I think Dr Cox on Scrubs is funnier than JD, she disagrees.

    She prefers white wine, I prefer red.

    There are a few things that did work out to our benefit as she prefers the rights side of the bed and I prefer the left.

    We feel with earnest effort and therapy we can continue to build a solid foundation for our relationship.

  • Casper

    Wha Happened....

    Hope you two can manage to work out your differences....


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open
    Im white, and my boyfriend is Iraqi, is this okay?


  • restrangled

    As long as they have red blood running through their veins and they are Homo sapiens..... I'm pretty sure it's a good thing!


  • Junction-Guy

    Is your boyfriend a muslim?

  • OnTheWayOut

    Lots of folks in the Bible married someone of another ethnicity.
    Solomon, Moses, Esther, YADDA YADDA.

    We are all of the human race. If the Bible is supposedly God's
    Word, well- it covers both sides. It depends on what God wants
    at the moment. At the moment, God is love. At the moment,
    there are not a chosen ethnic group. God doesn't care.

    Keep in mind that at a certain moment, a man could marry several
    women of different ethnicities, and at other moments, he was to
    avoid foreign wives.

  • snowbird

    Abraham and Sarah were Iraqi.

    Rebekah, Rachel, and Leah were Syrian.

    Bilhah and Zilpah were ?

    Joseph married an Egyptian.

    Moses married a Cushite.

    The Israelites were instructed not to intermarry with the Canaanites unless they became servants of YHWH, as in Rahab's case.

    Jesus of Nazareth was a product of Everyman - truly a Son of Man.

    If you love each other enough to make it work, it will.


  • Hope4Others

    The only thing I feel is an extra bonus to any relationship is learn the language and learn the culture of the other person. Then

    when they do certain things you will understand.

    I have known some married that had a difficult time blending with family and friends because they never learned to speak

    English. I think it was rather lonely...


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