
by janitorforlife 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Casper

    I came from the world, into the JW mess, so, swore before and had to clean up my mouth....

    Then after I left, things slip now and then.... I don't like hearing people swear around children NOR , do I like hearing children swear...

    As for the drinking, I never was much for drinking, then after becoming a Witness, seemed we were out drinking every week-end. I

    honestly drank more as a JW than I ever did in my life. After leaving, I rarely drink at all......... go figure...


  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    My wife has gone overboard with swearing....but it's better then being in "the truth." We are trying to tone down the drinking too.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My grandfather and uncle are/were both elders respectively and both drink like fishes.

    My dad was never and elder or meeting attender and never drank outside of social situations, and then he never ever got drunk.

    I think there is a relationship there.

  • Casper

    I think there is a relationship there.

    White Dove,

    I think the stress is what does it... we were all stretched to the max, and needed an get away from it all....


  • marmot

    My favorite TV show is the Trailer Park Boys so yeah, I swear a lot. :D

    I don't if I'm around kids or people who get offended, though.

  • WTWizard

    I am not going to use swear words where children might hear them. But there are words that are commonly accepted (you know, those words like "damn", "hell", "crap", and the like) that are technically dirty or profane. I now use those words--while I was a witless, I rarely even used the word "Darn".

    On this forum, I edit the words that might be objectionable. I do that because there is a reasonable expectation that such words are not to be found here. But I am not afraid to use "fxxx" when it is appropriate, as I have seen the actual word edited to that rendition by the mods on this forum.

  • beksbks

    White Dove, don't take this personally, but I just hate the spread of misinformation. Check Snopes for more info on the "unlawful carnal knowledge" angle.

    Main Entry:
    1 fuck
    \ ' f?k\
    akin to Dutch fokken to breed (cattle), Swedish dialect fókka to copulate
    circa 1503
    intransitive verb 1 usually obscene : copulate 2 usually vulgar : mess 3 —used with with transitive verb 1 usually obscene : to engage in coitus with —sometimes used interjectionally with an object (as a personal or reflexive pronoun) to express anger, contempt, or disgust 2 usually vulgar : to deal with unfairly or harshly : cheat, screw
  • beksbks

    A & W I have to agree with you.

  • changeling

    Sorry guys but the "f" word comes from: Fornicating Under Consent of the King. Under feudal law in England the Lord could allow unmarried couples to live together.

    Regardless of it's origin, I don't much care for the word.

    changeling :)

  • Finally-Free

    I used profanity before, during, and after my stint in the cult. I can easily avoid using it. When I resigned from a position my former employer refused to accept my letter of resignation because the "language was objectionable" and threatened me with legal action. My immediate supervisor even threatened to kill me. There was no profanity in my letter, the grammar was perfect, and so was the spelling. There were no threats, real or implied. They just didn't like my reason for resigning, that being that I discovered illegal activity. I didn't alter my letter and I didn't get sued, and I still exist. They did stiff me for part of my severence pay though, but no matter. I found a new job 2 days later.

    I think they would have been happier if I just told them to f*ck off.


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