Condescending Style of the book Keep Yourselves in God's Love

by VM44 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • VM44

    Atlantis has posted a download link for the 2008 book release, "Keep Yourselves in God's Love"

    I read a page or so from the book, and the first thing I notices is the simple language used that sounds like it is written to be read by a little child who is in elemenatary school.

    The styel if very condescending and actually is insulting as if the reader is expected to have a very low level of intelligence or reading ability.

    What is going on? Why is Bethel printing such material?

  • isaacaustin

    I question their honesty in their quotes supporting their stance on toasting. Alot of ellipsis in there. I am hoping someone can get this source and tell us what words the wt left out.

  • Finally-Free

    Don't forget, if you read this and the rest of the tripe they publish you'll have the equivilent of a college education, watchtower style!


  • Awakened07

    Their literature is perhaps getting more geared toward reaching people in third world countries?

    Not sure if it's me or the Watchtower who is racist with that comment.

    No, wait, I know I'm not racist.

  • BreakingAway

    I haven't read this publication (and have no plans to) but the past few years the Society has been been making much of the literature....well ...... let's say "very simple".

    I think there's a number of reasons for this.It seems the public educational system has allowed the illiterate, or nearly so, to pass right on to graduation, so reading comprehension isn't what it used to be.It also makes it easier for little kids to read.Additionally, many of the poor or uneducated seem to be attracted to the message.An increase in those who do not speak english, or at least not well, are also becoming a larger part of the congregation and the simplified english accomodates that as well.And since the Society does not highly espouse education, depsite their supposed claims to the contrary, I think they like to keep people dumb and tell them only what they want them to know.

  • sir82

    The styel if very condescending and actually is insulting as if the reader is expected to have a very low level of intelligence or reading ability.

    What is going on? Why is Bethel printing such material?

    They realize that virtually all of their future growth will come from 3rd world countries, or 3rd-world emigrants in developed countries.

    They are dumbing down the literature to make it more understandable to those with little or no formal education.

    This process has been going on for at least 10 years, maybe longer.

  • wifekeepsmeinit

    Give us an example that shows a superior attitude or condesceding style of writing.

    Ive read some of that book and have found that it is similar to reading a newspaper, or any other recent WT publication. I think you have to write in a manner that everyone can understand. If anything they are showing kindness, knowing that some people are not as educated as others. The Bible dosent have to be difficult to understand. When the WTBTS starts writing in a difficult or superior style, you know that Bull S%!* is being shoved down your throat.

  • VM44

    An example would be Chapter 4 on How to View Authority.

  • Hope4Others
    Atlantis has posted a download link for the 2008 book release, "Keep Yourselves in God's Love"

    I will have to find that link...perhaps since they think they teach like Jesus they are simplifying it as he would have...just a guess...

    so paraphrase chapter 4


  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open

    Humble... blah... meek... blah... be as (dumb as) children... blah...

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