Adam had feminine qualities until Eve was created

by blondie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Awakened07

    Well - Eve potentially got her... bits... changed around quite a bit as well, only later. I mean - she was struck with the curse of a painful childbirth.

    Which means?

    That before the curse, childbirth would be a painless breeze.

    Which means?

    She either used to have one giant... ...birth canal..... or the potency of endorphins were a hundred times higher than today.

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    I feel sorry for the guy it sounds like he had to hump himself to procreate what fun is that, thats a lot of bits and pieces to go around

    I wonder if he ever told himself that he wasn't in the mood ?

  • Farkel

    :God had now divided the feminine characteristics from Adam and put them in this woman or Ish·shah´ and thus produced the human sexes.

    I'm surprised no one has pointed out that the WTS stole this idea from Plato! That's right! Plato wrote about the "split aparts" long before Christ was born where a perfect and complete human was split into two lesser beings by the Gods (the Gods were bored) and that's why everyone is running around looking for his/her Yin or Yang complement.


  • Satanus

    If the perfect man/woman was a hermaph, how could he still be perfect if he was half of what he was originally? Answer: iff he got married and became 'one flesh'w a woman? How then, could jesus have been perfect, since he was never married? He remained a half, half perfect. Questions, questions.


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