Funny experiences while a JW

by donny 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • candela

    That one is funny...on the same line one time this brother, who was up there in age, had the closing bit for the song and prayer at the end of the meeting. When he's up there he announces that we're about to sing "Song 159". That was the wrong song, it was supposed to be Song 59, so more than a few people start signaling from the audience that is "59" from all directions. He didn't get it, he still thought that they were saying "159", so he was baffled and kept saying "that's right song 159".

    People kept correcting him and some of us started giggling so he started getting irritated. After one of the sound guys yells at him from the back "SONG 59" one more time, he threw his arms up in the air and said "GODDAMMIT, THAT'S WHAT I SAID!!!!"

    Everybody started laughing so hard, nobody could sing a damn thing!

    I loved that congregation there were so many old people and they would do and say the funniest things, and nobody would mind because of their age.

  • candela

    Another story: There was this brother who was bald as a cue ball and he was a WWII veteran, so he had some "issues". He would always sit on the very front row, smack in the center.

    One day he shows up with some kind of roadkill on his head and sits at his usual place. Of course, none of us could stop looking at it! So everybody notices when he suddenly starts scratching his head with one hand on one side, then the other on the other. First, gently and gradually more and more vigorously! All of a sudden, he takes the wig off and starts banging it against the edge of the platform!!!

    The brother in the platform is baffled staring at him, everybody is laughing their a$$e$ off! Then suddenly, he stops and puts it back on! Just like that!

  • Anti-Christ

    hahaha! That's some funny stuff. When I was in Kelowna B.C. during the Thursday night meeting a "brother" introduced the next speaker but when the speaker waked up to the plat form he tripped and fell flat on his face. The brother who was still at the mic said "Jesus Christ!!" everybody went silent. When he stepped down and the guy who fell took his place he said " Well at lease you call on the right person" That's when everybody started to laugh their asses off.

  • donny

    Another funny incident in my congregation occured when two sisters were demonstrating how to overcome objections at the door. The younger of the two walked in from the left side of the stage while carrying a microphone when the cord got caught in a chair and it jerked her arm back. She blurted out "Well Hell!" which was followed by a brief pause and then quickly added "is the common grave of all mankind."

    This was followed by laughter as well as several people clapping for the quick recovery.

  • MrFreeze

    I remember during one of our spring cleanings an older brother volunteered to mow the lawn. He went around back and when he came back into the front he had no shirt on. The moobs were strong with this one. Elder yelled at him "Brother G! Put your shirt back on!"

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