How do we know that humans have been around for more than 6000 years?

by inkling 74 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LouBelle

    nvrgbk - excellent analogy.

    As for How do we know - carbon dating of human fossils?

    Ag but they won't see it.

  • funkyderek


    When I deem the "evidence" as incontrovertible, then I will politely remove myself without further ado.

    You're missing the point. If you could, in principle, be persuaded by the evidence, then you might be able to make a useful contribution to the discussion. As it is, you simply presuppose the bible to be true, and dismiss all contrary evidence as the work of the evil magic man you believe in. As I said already, I respect your right to take that stand but it does render you completely unable to contribute to a worthwhile discussion about the evidence.

  • MissingLink
    I believe most people misunderstand Genesis. This seeming conflict between Bible chronology and well established human history can be resolved by understanding that the Bible does not tell us that Adam was, in an absolute chronological sense, "the first man."

    Not true. The bible contains geneology records going from Adam to Jesus. It also said god created adam (he wasn't born), and he was alone.

    It's BS. You're just trying to find a way to justify it. The only way to justify it is to decide on which verses you want to throw out.

  • james_woods

    Would it interest anyone to know the amount of time required for a single photon (which has been generated from thermonuclear reactions in the inner core of the sun) to migrate its way to the outer surface of the sun, and then be radiated into space?

    The answer is approximately 10,000 years. The photon can only move about 10 centimeters in the inner sun environment before being scattered off by a collision with another particle...and so does a complex random "walk" before finally being liberated.

    Does this make anyone want to rethink the "24 hour day of creation" idea? "Let light come to be" - indeed.

    May I just say - if any apologist should wish to just pass off this little fact of physics as "worldly science BS", let me just remind us that this kind of science BS enabled us to create the nuclear reactor which drove the submarine Nautilus all the way around the world and underneath the north pole.

    Or, in a more negative way - to blow up Hiroshima and Nagasaki and put an end to the second world war.

    But, (regardless of the politics), we really cannot deny the physics.

  • sir82

    The answer is approximately 10,000 years. The photon can only move about 10 centimeters in the inner sun environment before being scattered off by a collision with another particle...and so does a complex random "walk" before finally being liberated.

    James, James, James...

    1) No scientist has actually stood at the core of the sun, so they can't say "for sure" that it takes 10,000 years

    2) Any scientist who says otherwise is obviously a tool of the devil.

    See what happens when you don't "pre-suppose" that the Bible is infallible? You get all kinds of demonic ideas.

    Next you'll be telling us that Arctic ice core samples prove that the earth is more than 6000 years old (and that a global flood never happened, to boot!).

  • chicken little
    chicken little

    I recently read the book mentioned by sir82 it was Guns germs and steel and was by Jared Diamond and it was an eyeopener. I often wondered about the hunter gatherer lifestyle of the aborigines in Australia....other areas had developed far more complicated farming technics, yet the aborigines continued with the same lifestyle until the continent was "discovered by europeans". They appear to have lived in isolation for 40,000 years.

    The flood account puts mankind and its record of activity to about 4,000 how did they get to Australia? They did not use boats....if they did they forgot how to build them again...odd. The story of the tower of babel is told to explain the language spread and movement of mankind...again they were building a tower! What happened when they moved away...they forgot everything they had learned and went back to gathering herbs and hunting? Odd.

    The book offers a very good explaination for why some peoples flourished and became technical and others made do with what they had at hand as they had no other choices. It was not a matter of intelligence as some try to bring into the the book.

  • a Christian
    a Christian

    Missing Link,

    You wrote: The bible contains geneology records going from Adam to Jesus. It also said god created adam (he wasn't born), and he was alone.

    In this way of understanding Genesis, God's creation of the human race (by unspecified means) is chronicled in chapter one (vs. 26-28). His special creation of Adam and Eve is understood to have taken place much later, and is not discussed until chapter two.

    Before Eve's creation Adam was "alone" in the garden of Eden, but not on planet Earth.

  • james_woods

    But what about that witch named Lilith that adam loved (before the gift of Eve)?

  • TopHat

    Lonely sheep according to the Enclyopedia Britanica, Civilization has been present for only 10 to 12 thousand years. NOT millions! That to me is a short period of time.

  • james_woods

    The correct spelling is "Brittanica".

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