Do You Agree That Jehovah's Witnesses Are Perverted?

by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Honesty

    Whatever gave you the idea that JW's are perverted?

  • blondie

    per·vert·ed (pr-vûrtd) adj. 1. Deviating from what is considered right and correct: a perverted idea of justice. 2. Of, relating to, or practicing sexual perversion. 3. Marked by misinterpretation or distortion: a perverted translation of an epic poem.

  • OroToro

    No, but you already have seen the world that they teach. From every nation, color and tongue & religion.

  • IP_SEC

    Naw, one man's perversion is another man's pleasure; Its all good.

    I don give a rat's ass about what they think or do.

  • orangefatcat

    When living in PQuebec I was nearly raped twice. But it wasn't on account of a witness so I didn't mention it to the elders because I wasn't going to answer their perverted questions. I know I did nothing to provoke this and I am sure as heck wasn't going to be raked up by the Judical committee.

    I do think that some brothers get off on sexual Judical Committees. I recall how on many an occasion articles would come out in the Watchtower or Awake and my father didn't hesitate to sit me down and talk to no end about sex. I think my dad didn't think I would stay a virgin until i was married. It was as if he didn't trust me. He was gleeful when talking about sex. His Brother was a pedophile, can it run in families do you think?

    I just know that growing up and aways getting the third degree on sex was enough to last me a life time.

    I wouldn't give any one on the JC the satisfaction of giving me that third degree like my dad. I hated it. When I got married it was originally set for the end of April. but when my parents visited me in montreal in January dad said why wait so long get married sooner. I thought gee thanks dad you really must be full of it. Had i waited until the end of april I could have averted that marriage to a man I knew in my heart I didn't love and he kept begging me and giving me extravegant gifts so I wouldn 't change me mind. Man I wish I had had the courage to tell the brother marring us it was over . No but dad kept pressuring and my mom and my ex. After wards several years down the line my mom asked me why did I get married to my ex, and I said why? she said he just was n't right for you and I said so why did you and dad pressure me into getting married in the Feburary? Well you know your father he didn't want anything to happen. I said gee thanks you have that little faith in me.

    Dad was perverse I know it. And my dadds bro a pedophile, and heaven knows what happened when my father and some other brothers would go out parting and pretend that they were doing shepherding calls.

    Perversion is terrible in any way. be it a lie or out right sex. I think the WTBTS has committed adultry with the image of the wild beast. And then they also perverted the poor brothers in situations in Mexico and double standards in Malawi, that is reall y bad perverstion.

    MIni this was a good post.



  • passive suicide
    passive suicide

    I think ALL religion is perverted.....and I dare you to convince me otherwise....You don't know, and neither do I. PERIOD.

  • Mutz

    In the same way that Christianity is a perversion of a bunch of myths and stories then yes. Though I don't think they are much more or less perverse than any of the other sky god worshippers.

  • LouBelle

    Then so is just about every other "christain" religion in my opinion. They all perver the truth to some degree, many make a mockery out of serious teachings. Many say that they've got the truth - perhaps not so loudly as the JWs but you ask a 7th Day Adventist - he's got the truth. You ask a Born Again - they've got it more than the 7th days. Ask a apostolic christain - they've really got it, plus they speak in tongues and sing and dance.....what makes one wrong worse than the other?

    I'm not defending them at all, but I'm fortunate enough to have moved on, it is in my past and I'm living a new life now - I've tried a few of the other christian faiths and see the same model there - that is why I choose not to get invovled in any religion - religion, no matter which one will always put THEIR own personal spin on it.

  • WTWizard

    Most definitely they are very perverted. Not only they perverted Christ's message, but they went one step beyond that and perverted the whole Bible itself! And they claim to go by the Bible.

  • minimus

    When you think of how JWs berate everyone else for not believing them!! They are the modern day Pharisees.

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