do not be fooled by the leaven of harry potter

by nytelecom1 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tina

    Hiyas Xena,
    oh that horn lol. I have a gold one on a chain.Handed down to me from family. There's also a little gold hand I was given .The pointer and small finger extended......according to Italian superstition the horn protects you from malocchio(evil eye) the hand and finger signal puts it on
    As a small child,I used to hear that when someone was going thru probs or having bad luck,somebody 'put the horns on them'. lol Gotta love the old time superstitions,hugs and luv sweetie,T
    Your post brought back memories :>

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • dubla


    i remember awhile back i was telling nytel hed be better off just sticking to his mindless posts of bikini pics rather than attempting intelligent converse. well no bikini pic on this thread, but he hit the mindless part right on cue. bravo!


  • wonderwoman77

    Well I got the page to load. I think that it was ridiculous. Harry Potter has given many kids a desire to read, not only Harry Potter books, but other books as well. It has gotten kids away from playing video games 24/7 and allowed them to use their imaginations. If you take imaginations from kids, you are taking their childhood. I think it is ridiculous to say Harry Potter supports the devil. If you say that, then you can relate just about anything to the devil. Do you not remember what it was like to be a kid, and love to dream about fantasy worlds. I am sorry, but I feel very strongly on this matter. And I get very irritated when people want to sensor this.

  • wonderwoman77

    RunningMan, I read the article you posted too. Some of that was kinda ridiculous too. I mean a six year old saying the jesus was weak and stupid. Harry Potter in no way shape or form promotes that. have any of you read the books? If you have, you would know both of those sights are crazy. It does not teach kids to worship satan. there is no mention of satan. It teaches kids to do the right thing, even if it is through fantasy.

  • RunningMan

    Just to clarify a little... The article from "The Onion" is satire. It is
    humour and is not intended to be taken seriously. It satirizes the
    ludicrous claims of the anti-Harry Potter idiots by making even
    more ludicrous claims from the other side.

  • wonderwoman77

    sorry running man...I did not realize that. Now I feel like an idoit. I just get so angry when people say harry potter is evil

  • Mum

    Harry Potter is an inspiration to kids who are abused. He gives them hope that with time, persistence, and making an effort to develop one's hidden talents, they can overcome their past and achieve great things.

    The Harry Potter books made my socialite / activity-minded granddaughter into a reader. I love him, Hermione, Ron, and all the other little wizards.

    Seize the day, and put the least possible trust in tomorrow. - Horace

    I have learned to live each day as it comes and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. - Dorothy Dix

  • Julie

    ROFL! Harry Potter evil!

    See the thing about people, even kids, in the real world (as opposed to the WT world) is that most can seperate pretend from real. Kids know that Harry and his wizadry etc. is pretend. It captures the imagination. I have read the books and there is nothing evil about them. Now the bible, that is one book tha should be banned from elementary schools.


  • Tina

    Too right hun!! When I think of the rape genocide incest blah blah blah,who in the world would want that book in a childs hands....luv,T

    Jehovahs Witnesses,Proudly Serving Their Corporate Masters!

  • openminded

    This reminds me of this fundy radio talk show host(cant remeber his name but he has red hair and does exorsisms and stuff and gets really crazy on homos) who dedicated his entire show to bashing the Washington Wizards -the NBA basketball team.

    It just seems to me that this sort of thing is a control mechanism. Used by manipulative people. If they can get you to change your mind on somthing like this, then they can get at your pocketbook or use you in some manner.

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