Opinion poll: Is it wrong for grandparents to buy presents for all but one?

by cognizant dissident 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident


    Not sure what part of Canada you are from, but I'm in BC. If you are ever on Vancouver Island or in Vancouver and want to meet, send me a pm and we'll arrange something. I have met with a few people from this site and they were all positive experiences and new friends made, without exception.


  • LouBelle

    Well I agree with your sister. Older children could reason and understand a bit better, though it still wouldn't be cool. But little ones get their feelings hurt. The grandson may feel that he isn't good enough, or has been bad in some way. It's just not good cricket!!!

  • Gill

    That's the kind of thing my husband's JW parents would do.

    They would, (when we still spoke to them) invite our children's cousins round, two little girls and our children. Then they would have a show of giving the girl cousins presents and nothing for our children, saying that there were too many of them. (We have five children).

    Anyway, we soon put a stop to that!

    We no longer accepted invitations or invited them and I told them firmly what was 'wrong' with them so that they understood our reasoning.

    Wonderful feeling of empowerment to cut condescending arse holes out of your life PERMANENTLY!

  • momzcrazy

    I didn't even read your initial post. My immediate answer is YES it's wrong!!!! Shame on them! At their age, they should know better. Bring all the grandkids a gift, or leave them all at home until you have bought one for everyone.

    Geez, some people!


  • stillajwexelder

    Is it wrong for grandparents to buy presents for all but one?


  • hamsterbait

    From a Transactional Analysis standpoint, it is clear that the Grandparents are setting up the fambly situation so that "hot potatoes" are passed down the line.

    I'll bet that those who are wounded by their behavior do not remain witlesses.

    These ones then become the family "outcasts" - renegades if you like. This whole area of the "family script" is well worth looking into when you see this kind of behavior.

    I had thhis kind of therapy - it really helped me sort out myself, and see what my own relatives were up to.

    It helps you put your own show on the road, instead of buying into the crap of previous generations.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    My aunt and uncle did something similar. They invited me but not my brother to go out onto their boat. He felt crushed. I refused to go. I was 15 at the time and would have loved to go but explained to them that if my brother could not go, neither would I. It was a big boat able to hold 10 people.

  • BFD

    Cog, it's not you, it's them.


  • dinah

    Cog, I can't believe grandparents would act like that. They must be truly insensitive (or just mean). My daughter is a step-child and she's NEVER been treated like that by our family.

  • chickpea

    unbelievable... that is all i can say

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