Any Stephen King Readers?

by White Dove 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    So far, I like Needful Things, Secret Window/Hidden Garden, and Langoliers best.

    Guy at the bookstore said The Stand was the best.

    I just bought The Shining and Pet Cemetary (book's in the other room. Can't spell)

    What's your favorite?

  • momzcrazy

    The Tommyknockers and Dolores Claiborne.

    Gives me goose flesh just thinking about them.

    The Stand was good too.


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    What are The Stand and DC about?

  • lola28

    "IT" by far.

  • momzcrazy

    DC is about a housekeeper accused of killing her boss.

    The Stand is about a killer virus or something. But the survivors have to decide whom to follow.

  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    HUGE fan of the Dark Tower/Gunslinger series. Pure genius.

  • lola28


    You like WNTW and the dark tower series?

  • dinah

    Carrie was the first Stephen King book I ever read, being raised about a fanatical religion, I could identify with her.

    My favorites are The Stand, It, Bag of Bones and The Shining. Needful Things had moments that made me laugh out loud. He's written so many and I had behind. I haven't read the last four or five.

    Delores Claiborne is about a woman being investigated in the death of a hateful old lady who worked for. It seems Delores is suspected of killing her husband a few years earlier in a carefully orchestrated. It's a good read.

    If you like Stephen King, you might also like Dean Koontz. I just read Odd Thomas again, it is great.

  • heathen

    Yah , huge fan here , I'm going with the shining as my favorite ,the stand was good,dream catcher ,pet cemetery was good , most of his stuff is a better read than when they try to make a movie out of it .

  • NeonMadman

    I'm more of a Stephen King listener. I drive a lot for work, so I tend to get his books in audio book format and listen to them.

    I think my favorites so far have been "Hearts in Atlantis" and "Gerald's Game." Probably not the average person's picks. I listened to "Gerald's Game" about 15 years ago when I had lost my job and was delivering newspapers late at night, listening as I drove around the route between midnight and 3:00 a.m. It was appropriately spooky (even though it is really just psychological horror and not anything supernatural) that it kept me freaked out over the several nights it took to finish it.

    As far as his short story collections go, I especially liked "Nightmares and Dreamscapes" and "Everything's Eventual."

    I'll second what dinah said about Dean Koontz; some of his stuff is really good, and "Odd Thomas" tops the list for me. "From the Corner of his Eye" was also excellent and evocative.

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