After Kingdom Hall bomb blast = Twisted Witness logic! Saved by Jah!

by Witness 007 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • anglise

    Yep remember hearing that little gem.

    Didnt think much of the crazy reasoning even then.

    (Shame it took me so long to see the bigger picture and get out.)

    Sorry for those hurt-wonder if any really questioned just what jah was doing to protect them in the spiritual paradise??


  • sspo

    Same old story from religious people how somehow they were saved by God " divine intervention".

    JW are not the only ones that have a warped view, they forget that others just lost their lives.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I missed this thread somehow and had never read that Awake! article. I am very surprised my family didn't bother to show it to me, even though I was well 'out' by then.

    I knew Peter when when he was single. I have never met Sue.

  • labmik

    My comments maybe a few years late - but the subject came up on TV tonight ( 7th July 2013 ) - on Channel 7 Current Affair show.

    Len Warrick was supposedly behind the bombing according to the TV show and was believed to be responsible for the Casula Kingdom Hall bombing and the Family Court bombing and his ex-wife's solicitor being almost car bombed. This is all because he wanted his 6 year old child back from the JWS. The child was being hidden by the witnesses at the time and attending the Casula congregation for some 3 years.

    Len also bombed the house of the family court judge, killing his wife, because as I understand the judge sided with Len's JW wife and child and belittled him in court.

    Though Len has killed at least 3, maybe more, people - I actually sympathise with his situation - as I was raised a witness for some 30 years and a ministerial servant at the time of the bombing and understand what goes on in a J.W's head. But I also know what goes on in an outsider's head. Soon after I was disfellowshipped in jan 1989 over questioning the 607-1914 chronology My wife and I started attending anaother church, introduced to us by a new friend. My wife and then 6 year old daughter were kept in hiding by the Church of Maitraya in 1990. In my case a solicitor from the same Maitreya Church cult acting for my wife, also worked in the family court, and they too kept my wife in hiding with our daughter for just on 6 months while legal things were being put in place. the details of my case were similar to Lens other than the bombings and Police involvement.

    In the case of Lenoard Warrick, he has never been charged and bought to justice, because the police can't prove he did it. He stands by his right to remain silent.

    Irronically at the time of the bombing - the rumor circulating my congregation in Melbourne was, to the effect "the man who died in the bombing was a disfellowshipped witness and hence not approved by Jehovah". Not knowing the persons involved, I knew no different.

    If that were true, the Df individual should have been sitting at the back of the hall, not in the front row seat.

    As I was taught - all D.F members are supposed to sit at the back of the hall and come in quietly after the service has started and leave before the final prayer. ( a I recall this is based on the 1981 WT on Disfellowshipping proceedures. ) So it was the "ruling" when I was in the organization.

    People at my work - who were also associated Police Members, hated the JWs and of course me for being one. They were stating in conversation " the Casula bombing was because Jehovah failed to protect his congregation and it was proof the J.W's did not have the truth". Obviously it was hard to argue against.

    Just so there is no misunderstanding - the reason I side with Len Warrick is I know how hard it hurts a family man when you have your wife and child ripped off you by a cult. Going to such drastic measures, just shows how pissed off he is and that people should think twice before doing it to others. Cults like the JWs are devisive and underhanded. They lie and deceive, seeing everything against them as devil's work. While we have "freedom of religion" in Australia, such crimes will continue as some people take these religions quite seriously.

    Yes innocent people have died - but at least who ever did it has made their point.

    It also shows even Jehovah can't bring him to justice and has taken almost 30 years to get this far - which illustrates how slow he is respecting his promise. The 6 year old he was fighting for, now has grown up and living a dysfunctional life of her own hating what her father did !

    It also illustrates to authorities, whom ever they are, the effect their descisions have on other people lives.

    Judges within the family court often have very little concept of what demons they unleash when they side against a man and his family. Such violent cases liker this one are often seen in the news, yet few take notice and listen.

    Once Len got back his daughter, the bombings stopped just like that. Problem "fixed" !

    Even if Len ends up in jail - which I doubt will happen for a while - at least he has made his point. It shows just how slack Jehovah is in interveaning and protection.

  • fulltimestudent

    A couple of points to consider labmik.

    First, I agree that its wrong for any religion to attempt to 'hold-on' to members by hiding them in the case of intra-family religious disputes. And unfortunately, at times, some witnesses have done that.

    Second, in the matter of Len Warwick, his former wife does not seem to have been a witness at the time the Kingdom hall was bombed. The program last night stated that Warwick's former wife' sister was associating with that congregation, and the bombing was apparently a revenge act against her.

    Incidentally, I believe, (well according to a good friend - also an XJW) the speaker that day, was David Winder. My friend, who was in the same congregation as David W., said that David W. told him that the bomb was located right under the platform, and was packed with nails, and therefore intended to hurt as many people as possible. Winder's name was not mentioned (that I recall) in the program. Not sure if he's still alive?

    For those interested, this is the web-site of the TV program that discussed the murders and bombings. The full program went for about 1 hour, very detailed and not pulling punches in its accusations against Len Warwick. It seems to be at the least inviting him to sue the TV program.

    The article breaks the full program into 4 segments, the KH section is in segment 3. The program states that Warwick's former wife and her sister were receiving threats and the police thought it a good idea for them to move out of Sydney. Some brothers helped them move - and that was Warwick's justification for the bombing.

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