Do You Really Like/Love Who You Are?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    I like being around myself. You never really know what is behind polite smiles tho...

  • JH
    Do you love yourself?

    Yes, I have 12,785 pictures of myself

    Do you think that other people enjoy being around you??

    Yes they do, I'm generous....


    I love who I have become in the last year and yes I think I'm quite enjoyable to be around. I make sure everyone is having as much fun as humanly possible. I am a people person.

  • Bring_the_Light
    Do you love yourself?


    Do you think that other people enjoy being around you??

    That happens too sometimes.

  • Bring_the_Light

    I've gotten into this pattern of looking at everyone and trying to decide whether I'd prefer to be them or not. Its been an extremely long time before I've come across someone who I think is better than me.

    Not being envious doesn't directly make you feel good about your lot, but it is good perspective.

  • dinah


    Would you teach me that polite smile thingy??

  • jaguarbass

    Do you love yourself? Do you think that other people enjoy being around you?? Some days more than others. When its a bad day I try to keep my mouth shut.

  • CandleLight

    Do I love myself?

    Sometimes,.. but apparently God does, so I'll have to take his word for it.

    Do others love to be around me? Well, I hope so, I love others alot, even those who don't love me.

    I think feeling valued by others, helps us feel value in ourselves.



  • FlyingHighNow

    When I feel good and rested, I generally like/love me. Catch me on a bad day when I am not feeling well and behind on my rest? Well, I might say I am on the fence.

    A lot of people like me. They feel I am warm, funny, sincerely interested in them and caring.

    On the other hand, I make some people feel uncomfortable. Usually it's because they feel transparent around me and that I will see through their facade to the real person beneath. My daughter calls herself and me the mirror people. She says we hold up mirrors to people and they see themselves. Maybe that's more the reason they feel uncomfortable. Then again I can be intense and very passionate about life. I tend to be drawn to other intense people. Intensity can intimidate people. I don't ever mean to intimidate people and often am surprised when I see it happening.

  • yknot


    Some find me witty and cute

    Others wish I came with a button called mute.

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