I am sorry that I knocked...

by drew sagan 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Don't know if anybody else has caught this yet but there is a very interesting phenomena going on youtube where former JWs are posting videos titled "I am sorry that I knocked". I'm considering doing one and I would encourage any of you out there that can should post one up there too. From what I have found on youtube six people have done this so far. What a statement hundreds of these could make!


  • Latte

    I always thought that I'd never have any reason to join You Tube...looks like I will after all! Excellent!

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I would also like to say that the candor and goodwill of those who have made these is wonderful. While some other videos on youtube have taken a negative stance, on the whole these are very positive and i really like that.

  • Hope4Others

    Quite a powerful way to get the message out if a lot of people did this.

    I liked these two people.



    Thanks for the thread



  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    I liked how this poster talked about learning the value of real volunteer work:


  • Deputy Dog
    Deputy Dog

    That's a great idea!

  • Hope4Others


    I think I've seen that guy before, it seems to me he has others video's I think.

    He gives a good apology. And plays the music to match it at the end. Cool campaign!


  • easyreader1970

    There are a few more out there. They don't always use the "I'm sorry I knocked" title for their videos. Usually they will show up in the related videos area.


  • kurtbethel

    That is amazing!

    I would offer a blanket forgiveness to anyone who knocked at my door over the years. I met a few interesting people, had some conversations, and was motivated to do a lot of research about the religion and other topics. You gave me a chance to learn things and grow. Of course, I never joined the org. That's the breaks.

  • Namaste

    Wow Wow Wow!

    I just watched the first one and was blown away. Can't wait to watch the rest of them.

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