District Overseer comments at CA reveal GB out of answers...

by still_in74 36 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Sirona
    "who taught you about 1914?

    You taught me that 1914 was a significant date based on the erroneous date of 607. That turned out to be untrue.

    About the true identity of the FDS?

    Yes, you misapplied that scripture and made yourselves into God.

    Who taught you that god is not a trinity?

    You, by lying blatantly in your "trinity" brochure and changing your bible translation to support this doctrine.

    Who taught you the truth about pagan Holidays and how to keep without spot from the world?

    Oh yes, thats right. The hypocrisy of banning certain pagan things where other pagan things are OK. Stunting children's social and emotional development by banning things which they should be able to enjoy with their friends.

    This talk would have reminded me why they are a useless cult, nothing more.


  • kwintestal

    I heard the same thing from a friend who went to the CA, but then I think it may have been the same one you went to (judging by your location). I heard they also said people who had doubts were stupid for having them.


  • Blueblades

    Kwin. So, according to them "Doubting Thomas" was stupid. Jesus appeared to the stupid doubting Thomas. Call me stupid as I await the fulfillment of all my doubts.


  • still_in74
    Hell, I didn't even believe a word of it, and I felt drawn to him

    well i am glad I am not the only one here that has this happen.....for an instant you almost feel bad for learning the truth about "the truth" - then you realize this guy spent his entire life working for a lie. Yes he may have enjoyed it, but that is what makes it so sad too.

  • BizzyBee

    Thanks, still in.

    It's nice to be reminded why they're called "ASS-emblies" - you can always be sure that at least one of the speakers is going to kick your ASS before it's over.

  • undercover
    "who taught you about 1914? About the true identity of the FDS? Who taught you that god is not a trinity? Who taught you the truth about pagan Holidays and how to keep without spot from the world?

    So, the Governing Body has replaced Jesus as "The Great Teacher"?

  • 95stormfront

    Wow.....People still go to those snorefests!!!!

  • JimmyPage

    This speaker reminds me so much of my PO. One time he made me feel guilty for treating the meetings like a social gathering (it wasn't aimed at me in particular- at least I don't think). "After all, there is more to the meetings than that," he said. "It's God's spirit-directed organization!" I agreed at the time. But now I realize- hey it's just a social gathering!

  • Bring_the_Light
    This speaker reminds me so much of my PO. One time he made me feel guilty for treating the meetings like a social gathering (it wasn't aimed at me in particular- at least I don't think). "After all, there is more to the meetings than that," he said. "It's God's spirit-directed organization!" I agreed at the time. But now I realize- hey it's just a social gathering!

    I can't get over this. HOW STUPID they were for ACTUALLY DISCOURAGING socializing. About 99% of the emotional trauma I endured as a kid was being made to feel guilty about having "worldly" friends, and THEN being made guilty for having "acceptible" friends. Whomever makes the rules for this organization clearly has multiple diagnosable mental disorders. Social Anxiety disorder, depression, Autism, was clearly not the cool kid in school, etc etc etc. Its pretty screwed up to have a happy exclusive cult that punishes by expulsion when there isn't any reason to want to be in it in the first place. Geez. Again, I'd be a wayy better cult leader.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    when all else fails, guilt them.

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