A New Theory of the Universe

by BurnTheShips 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • zensim
    But if the scientists do not observe the particle, then it exhibits the behavior of a wave.

    Ok, this has been disturbing me for years. How can you 'not' observe a particle?

    Awakened07: I love the way your mind works, it is so .... clear. You were able to articulate my above q's more effectively than I could.

    This version of quantum mechanics has become increasingly popular in the last few years, in New Age, creationist and ID circles ... Would it help science to "step outside the box" and take metaphysics into account? I don't think so; it would become philosophy, not science.

    I agree that Lanza is not saying anything very new at all. It did disturb me also that he claimed biology as the answer but then spoke primarily about physics - what the?

    Having said that, I have from my own experience found much of what he says to be true on an innate level. From my own 'visions' (I don't know what else to call them, sorry) I saw that there is only light. The motion of this light is waves. If you then pinpoint your focus on one point of a light wave, and an idea is created, the waves, affected by thought, then contort together to form that image. So the manifest is just an illusion of light creating shadows, which give form.

    That is why, as hard as it is for most people to imagine, there really is no good/bad, black/white etc. Because it is only a vantage point - if you stand on one side of an image, you cannot see the reverse side - so that appears in the 'dark'. However, if you walk all around an image, eventually light shines on all aspects and you can see the whole and you have shed light on the whole subject.

    Nevertheless, you can still only observe one point at a time. The rest you need to hold in memory. So even though you then come back to the front of the image, and the illusion is that the other side is once again 'dark', you can now remind yourself that it is just an illusion based on perception. Then the whole object is able to be held in mind as fully transparent (holographic) even though one's immediate perception can still only focus on one point at a time.

    The trees and snow evaporate when we’re sleeping. The kitchen disappears when we’re in the bathroom. When you turn from one room to the next, when your animal senses no longer perceive the sounds of the dishwasher, the ticking clock, the smell of a chicken roasting—the kitchen and all its seemingly discrete bits dissolve into nothingness—or into waves of probability. The universe bursts into existence from life, not the other way around as we have been taught. For each life there is a universe, its own universe. We generate spheres of reality, individual bubbles of existence. Our planet is comprised of billions of spheres of reality, generated by each individual human and perhaps even by each animal.

    This is why we create the world together (not just one individual consciousness, although my one consciousness is still the One consciousness). It doesn't feel like the rest of the world disappears the moment we look the other way, because we are holding that world in our memory. Our expectation is that it is there constantly and will always be there. So we perceive no 'time lapse' in the appearing/disappearing because it is all held in a greater spectrum, wave and particle can actually exist simultaneously. Our consciousness holds it in existence even when we are not focussed on it. Obviously everyone's consciousness holds different aspects in place - so it seems like the world goes on outside our closed front door or whilst we are sleeping.

    As my experience shows, I can either be the objective consciousness (the wave) or I can become the particle - immersing myself so in the moment, so in focus to what I am doing, that nothing else exists but that point, that still frame. However, I am now aware that there is always a part of me that is still the wave.

    In other words, consciousness is like a transparency; when we try to single it out,

    we "fall through" to its object. If we try to single out the consciousness that is conscious of a desk without thinking of

    the desk itself, we fail."

    We are the observer and the observed.

    My own experience suggests that nothing that I learn about the 'now' is satisfying to the spirit, but living in the 'now' is.

    I was going to agree instantly. Then I remembered how learning about the 'now' has created a better ability within me to live in the 'now' - so once again they are inseparable. I need to collapse into a particle for my spirit to feel the absolute joy of living. I need to expand as the wave to grow and develop. There are some things that can only be enjoyed by the sensory experience of collapsing into body. Then there is the vicarious bliss we get by being so open we are one with everything and everyone, feeling the purity of the life force that is totality of existence.

    I often get feelings, intuitions or flashes of 'insight' about the nature of the universe, life, existence. But I am painfully aware that these are just snatches of a vastness that my individual whole cannot integrate currently. As such, I look outside myself and see that the world also exists like that - all these different schools of thought and deduction, each intently interested and studying their little patch of the cosmos and trying to gleen some answers. As I become more expansive in my thinking, I begin to see more and more overlapping between all the different trains of thought and exploration. Thus the world reflects my own consciousness. However, not for one moment do I not appreciate what I can learn 'outside' of me, all the while realising that there is no separation between what I know consciously and unconsciously.

    Each time we re-visit any concept it is recreated. The vantage point, the perception is never identical, it is always moving. And each time a whole new set of dynamics is brought into play - creating the next moment. Whilst we can identify threads of consistency - if at any time we all collectively agree that we no longer consider that consistency true or correct, that consistency will disappear. Which is why we evolve as human beings. If we all decided to stop believing in the illusion of the consistency of 'we age and die' - death would disappear. In actual fact, death is itself just an illusion. But as long as the majority see the consistent evidence of this illusion, it continues to be a reality.

    On quickly skimming over JCanons thread on esoteric 'mysteries' (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/10/157488/1.ashx) I was, as I am always when looking at ancient symbology etc, struck by the feeling that time is circular and we are the ones who in fact created all those symbols as advanced human beings. And we are now trying to figure out that which we forgot we created in the first place. Sometimes I really feel like we are the proverbial goldfish in a fishbowl.

    That is why we often feel we already 'know' the answer to something. Or when we say we are following our intution because we just 'knew' (and this goes off into the whole realm of faith) - to me there is an element within us that does know, because it has already happened. That part of us lives beyond the third dimension and knows how to both live as the arrow and as the frozen moment. Most of us are still collapsed in focus in the third dimension, struggling to integrate the flashes of light coming through the pinpricks of our 3D reality. Yet if you all around you will see that the pinpricks are multiplying and now the cracks are beginning to appear: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=857Wf4fTPn4. It is everywhere, in popular culture, in science, in metaphysics, in spirituality, in religion, in history, in enlightenment - everywhere in consciousness. Yet we need to 'forget' to play our part in the realisation.

    Which is why I love exploring science etc to give clarity to my inner visions/knowings - to take what I have seen and visit it in its manifestation. I want to be this in motion, I want to feel the experience of this knowing, the manifestation of it. It is not enough just to have some universal mind and pictures in my head, I want to feel the experience also, to feel the drama of playing it out. Some days you love to watch, to buy a piece of art, to observe, to sit in awe. And then other times you want to create the art, to be part of the whole process, to become so absorbed in the creating that time seems to stop as you feel the pure joy and integration of being one with the pen, the paintbrush, your partner, the cooking ingredients, the computer programming etc etc. It is not either/or - it just 'is'.

  • BurnTheShips
    I often get feelings, intuitions or flashes of 'insight' about the nature of the universe, life, existence. But I am painfully aware that these are just snatches of a vastness that my individual whole cannot integrate currently.

    I do too.

    It's describing it that is difficult.


  • journey-on

    Yes, it's finding the words to explain a personal experience that is difficult sometimes. One tends to resort to metaphor or simile

    and it becomes "lost in the translation."

    For instance, when you experience this oneness or this extraordinary connection to something or someone, even to the point where

    you know beforehand what they are going to say or what they are thinking, the only way I can explain it is with a simile. It is like the

    synaptic gap between neurons in the brain. It is that "space" between the neurons that determines how and what is communicated.

    The human brain contains about 10 billion neurons or nerve cells and each one is connected to others by approximately 10,000 synapses

    enabling the brain to communicate on so many levels and operate with remarkable capabilities. Perhaps the science of quantum physics

    will someday be able to explain the Oneness.....the synaptic gap between us.....especially as we evolve physically and spiritually and

    develop more and more of the multi-sensory abilities some are already beginning to experience.

  • Awakened07

    I can't treat this with the intensity I would have wanted to; I don't have time at least not this week. But I'll try to comment briefly.

    But if the scientists do not observe the particle, then it exhibits the behavior of a wave.

    Ok, this has been disturbing me for years. How can you 'not' observe a particle?

    -This is a good question for two reasons; 1) You're thinking, and 2) it's key to understanding why quantum theory is surrounded sometimes by a shroud of mystery. There is some strangeness to findings and experiments in quantum theory, but it's not necessarily as mysterious as it's often said to be.

    What goes on at the quantum level is not dependent on us humans as the observer. If so, we would have to constantly observe every single atom for anything to ever happen. But these processes happen whether we observe them or not. The problem with "observing" what goes on at this microscopic (or sub-microscopic) level, is that light at this level is individual photons; we're used to seeing objects because light bounces off of them, but these particles are so small that if we attempt to "observe" their behavior, the photons we use to do so affect the result.. If we do observe it happening, we have to choose what "hole" we wish to "keep an eye on" that the particle will go through. If we don't observe, the particle goes through both "holes" as a wave, as our instruments can show us. If I've understood this correctly, it actually behaves like a wave both times, but as observers at this sub-microscopic level we have to choose what "hole" to observe. I may have to revise these sentences somewhat later, but this is the gist of how I understand it.

    Darn it, I'm out of time, I have to run off to work. Aargh.

    OK, I'll try to clarify this when I get home then. Time flies.

    I just have to jot down some "cliff notes" while I remember: If we are creating reality as we observe it, it would mean we couldn't make predictions of the behavior of nature in science. If we can do so because the framework of reality has been created by God (or "God"), and we're just re-creating reality off of that framework, it means God has created a framework that includes evidence of how the universe came to be via a "big bang" (background radiation etc.). But if God created this framework and we're re-creating it, it means he didn't create the universe physically in that manner in the first place, because we are then continuously creating it off of a framework. This would be deceptive of God.

    If this makes little sense, I'll try to explain further when I get back. Gotta go!

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    saved for later

  • Gill


    It is because of theories like this one that the realisation that consciousness and therefore 'life' never ends has become more acceptable and understandable. Understanding of reincarnation is gaining approval and acceptance because of quantum physics.

    If consciousness does not exist before conception and birth then we are not able to 'observe'. Because we 'observe' them then things exist, therefore if we 'died' it would end our consciousness.

    Therefore, consciousness never ends and we have neither a beginning or an end.

    There is no 'death' as such of whatever we really are......whatever really inhabits our frail and mortal bodies, live forever.

  • Caedes


    Consider for a moment that you are watching a film of an archery tournament, with the Zeno’s arrow paradox in mind. An archer shoots, and the arrow flies. The camera follows the arrow’s trajectory from the archer’s bow toward the target. Suddenly the projector stops on a single frame of a stilled arrow. You stare at the image of an arrow in midflight. The pause in the film enables you to know the position of the arrow—it’s just beyond the grandstand, about 20 feet above the ground. But you have lost all information about its momentum. It is going nowhere; its velocity is zero. Its path is no longer known. It is uncertain.

    To measure the position precisely at any given instant is to lock in on one static frame, to put the movie on pause, so to speak. Conversely, as soon as you observe momentum you can’t isolate a frame, because momentum is the summation of many frames. You can’t know one and the other with complete accuracy. There is uncertainty as you hone in, whether on motion or position.

    This is simply incorrect, Newton's laws of motion can tell you exactly what the velocity of the arrow is. Given some basic information about the arrow, windspeed, the initial direction of the arrow and the amount of force applied to the arrow by the bow would give you an answer whose accuracy would be most significantly affected by your own ability to measure those initial conditions. Heisenberg's principle simply does not apply here.

  • catbert

    I think the point being made with the arrow is that if you have a still frame picture of the arrow, you have no information about its trajectory. It may have been dropped from above for example. It may have been fired backwards with the feathers pointing towards its destination.

  • catbert

    Quantum analogy:
    If you fire a cannonball into the vacuum of open space with no planets or mass in its path, it will travel a long distance in a straight line. If you fire a cannonball on earth into a column of water, the cannonball will drop towards earth and be deflected by the column of water. The cannonball is the particle you are trying to measure the position of, and the column of water are the photons you are viewing bouncing off the particle. The earth and the water both influence the tragectory of the cannonball. Your physical presence in the room with the quantum sized particle has an influence on its position. Your human body next to the particle you are trying to measure deflects its position.

  • BurnTheShips
    If you fire a cannonball into the vacuum of open space with no planets or mass in its path, it will travel a long distance in a straight line. If you fire a cannonball on earth into a column of water, the cannonball will drop towards earth and be deflected by the column of water. The cannonball is the particle you are trying to measure the position of, and the column of water are the photons you are viewing bouncing off the particle. The earth and the water both influence the tragectory of the cannonball. Your physical presence in the room with the quantum sized particle has an influence on its position. Your human body next to the particle you are trying to measure deflects its position.

    Observation requires interaction. We generally observe with electromagnetic radiation. At the quantum level, the deflection caused by that interaction is enough to create a cloud of probability.


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