What is the best question to ask a witness

by ImFreeatlast 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • lavendar

    If the WTS is really Jehovah’s prophet, like they claim.......can you show me anything they predicted in the last 130+ years of their history that came to pass?

    How many false prophesies does it take to make a false prophet??

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    Alligator Wisdom:

    Good one! I'm filing that one away for future use.

  • lesterd

    Sex, sex, sex ,sex, sex, was that enough oral?

  • inthepink3355

    The one I ask is....Who is your mediator? They sometimes just want to quote Timothy and go on another subject. (hold them...) get THEIR answer. Some not above lying...long pauses...especially if they have a newbie w/ them.. If they say Jesus is my mediator.....I say then we will be together in heaven, right?.....Well, no...my hope is earthly. Then he is really not your mediator. The witness at your door is then stumped...confused or is remembering another appointment.

  • Younglove1999

    my question would be:

    which is more stressful? driving to a bookstudy once a week or sacrificing your child because you can't allow them to have a blood transfusion?

    I would rather go to a book study every week and be allowed to do whatever it took to save our child and our own life.

    pick your prorities "faithful and discreet slave"

  • llbh

    How do i know that the men knocking on doors are not paedohiles, as you tacitly harbour them?

    I told a friend to ask this to the next JW that knocked at her door, she thought it was agreat idea.


  • OnTheWayOut
    How do i know that the men knocking on doors are not paedohiles, as you tacitly harbour them?

    I like that one too. I might adjust it slightly.

    OKAY, pedophiles are not kicked out if they deny the act and there is only the one child
    as a witness to the act.
    Also, elders could have been involved in secret sins and had them overlooked if they
    stopped committing them.

    SO, how do I know if the people who want to study with me are the pedophiles or the
    secret sinners? How do you know which ones are which?

  • Burger Time
    Burger Time

    Two of my favorites:

    If blood equals life (metaphorically) then why did Jesus say there was no greater act then giving your life for a friend, yet you are not allowed to donate blood?

    Jesus said the only way to everlasting life was through him. Paul and others taught that only through Jesus could we find everlasting life. Do you believe that the emphasis of what Paul and other apostles taught can be gleamed by reading the bible? If so how do you justify that you at the least must claim membership into your organization? Isn't this teaching a new gospel?

  • digderidoo

    Prove to me Jeruselem was destroyed in 607bce. Would love to put that one to a witness, but just haven't had the chance.


  • flipper

    I agree with TIRED of the HYPOCRISY - I have had good results asking them their opinion about the child abuse scandals and the out of court lawsuit settlements that the Watchtower society has settled with the witness victims. 95 percent of the time the JW's standing at my door were not aware anything has happened in their religion like this. They won't be told - because they are under " information control" by the Watchtower society. I have had 1 hour discussions with witnesses at my door - and they left more informed about their organization hiding this - than before . Especially with all the Mormon news in the media right now about the Texas scandal - it seems to work at causing the witnesses to ponder a bit

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