Reporting preaching time is another obvious 'burden' that could be removed

by yadda yadda 2 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The basic scriptural argument by the WTS is that since the apostles 'reported' their experiences, it is correct to expect JW's to 'report' their preaching activity on a monthly form. (There are other reasons given for reporting time ,eg, the claim that reporting time helps the elders gauge someones spiritual 'strength', etc. There is not the slightest scriptural precedent for this).

    There is a glaring flaw with the Society's line of reasoning.

    Since the scriptural record is that only experiences were reported back by the early Christians, the Society therefore only has justification for JW's to report their 'experiences' to each other, not to formerly report their actual time preaching. The apostles and early disciples simply did not report their time, at least we have no scriptural record of them doing that. They only reported the encounters and experiences (the actual scriptures eludes me at present). Since the argument is that Jehovah has had everything written in the bible for a reason, isn't the converse true? If it's not in the Bible as a pattern for Christians, JW's should not have to do it.

    The Society has quite clearly gone 'beyond what is written' by having a policy that JW's report their time. There is not the slightest scriptural justification for expecting Christians to have to do, and report on a form, about 10 hours a month preaching. Not only that, if one does not adhere to the policy or only reports 1 or 2 hours a month regularly, they are made to feel guilty and inferior, denied privileges, and often marginalised by the congregation.

    This is just another 'burden' and 'heavy load' that has been heaped onto the backs of JW's by the WTS. The GB say they don't wish to 'burden' JW's with anything that is not necessary, just as the first-century 'GB' didn't. Since soaring gas prices has been used a reason to dump the home book study arrangement, isn't the same reason there to remove the unnecessary burden of being expected to go out and do about 10 hours a month? JW's would no doubt be delighted to be relieved of this 'burden'.

    What the Society needs to do is this: completely dump reporting of time and instead, have a regular 10 minute session at the end of each service meeting, or even Sunday meeting also, where the congregation are invited to report their 'experiences', following the same simple pattern found in scripture. Although some would obviously desist from going out in FS if time reporting was stopped, having a regular time allotted to bringing one's 'good report' to the congregation in terms of experiences only would still act as as a great motivater and encouraging influence for the congregation to continue preaching. This would also shift the focus away from sheer quantity to quality - only those with interesting experiences will relate them, putting the onus everyone to try harder to start bible studies, have good discussions, etc.

    After all, JW's have been brainwashed into thinking that they are 'bloodguilty' if they don't preach and their salvation depends on it (some scripture about saving themselves and those that listen to them), so most I think would remain inclined to at least put in a few hours a month.

    Hopefully, monthly reporting of FS/preaching time will be another 'burden' the GB may soon remove (but don't hold your breath on that one folks!)


  • Gill

    I agree!

    Once reporting time tramping the streets is stopped, 'publishers' would not be counted just 'memebers of the cong.'

    This could help to disguise the falling numbers and keep up the illusion of a growing organization.

  • JWdaughter

    Great idea, except they lose bragging rights to all their 'preaching work'. They love to tout hours and numbers.

    OTOH, they would have more people willing to be Sunday 'pew sitters' if they knew that was all they were 'obligated' to do. They might actually get new members-all my old churches did the "lets share our 'witnessing' efforts (yes, they called it that)" during our adult sunday school classes, and we often saw the subject of last weeks sharing session sitting next to us. Sharing with a friend is much more effective as a witnessing 'tool' than annoying strangers and asking them to donate for your ministry when they are already irritated at you for interrupting whatever you interupted-their pancakes, their window of fertility and/or desire, their soccer match etc.

  • yknot

    And strip away one of the foundations folr practicing theocratic strategy?

    LOL sorry couldn't resist.

    In fact I could barely stomach the July SE........ preach, preach, and get off your keisters and preach!

    The apostles went from door to door......the lay people stayed in their community, established a local fellowship and witnessed through their behavior and informally. They married, raised children, crops, livestock, or were humble local merchants.

    If the GB feels so strongly about knocking why are there no stories about them pounding the pavement after appointment?

    Reason is easy....they have done so already back in there WT witness life is about corporate ease, ego and entitlement!

    Exactly how many hours does one have to turn in to accomplish the entitlement of sitting on their rumps like those in the ivory tower?

  • Casper

    Great Post Yadda...

    After all, JW's have been brainwashed into thinking that they are 'bloodguilty' if they don't preach and their salvation depends on it (some scripture about saving themselves and those that listen to them), so most I think would remain inclined to at least put in a few hours a month.

    I can see some feeling this way and continuing in the door to door work.

    a regular 10 minute session at the end of each service meeting, or even Sunday meeting also, where the congregation are invited to report their 'experiences', following the same simple pattern found in scripture.

    I can also imagine that some would love the opportunity to "Boast" about their experiences... Who knows, this just may come about someday.


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2
    The apostles went from door to door....

    That's a highly debateable assertion. Have you read In Search of Christian Freedom by Ray Franz?

  • WTWizard

    There is no scriptural basis for reporting time out in field circus. Instead, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger needs those numbers so they can send the hounder-hounders with the most effective hounding message to get people to maximize their field circus results. Not enough hours? Give up any vestiges of fun, and push yourselves to the point of exhaustion (and borrow on credit cards for the gas to do it). Not enough placement? Stop going to Starbucks (and, if you must go, tip the lady only with a tract or Washtowel rag). No studies? Follow up aggressively on calls. No one coming to the boasting sessions? You have to get there sooner, before they can look up the cult on an apostate site.

    Taking away the field circus reports effectively takes the essence reports away from the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. Obviously an hour chatting with the girl(s) that work at Starbucks or sitting in the car warming up is not as effective as an hour sprinting from door to door, aggressively seeking anyone and everyone that's home, and smoothly scamming them all before moving on. And they need to see trends so they can prepare their hounding talks to bring up sagging memberships.

    What they will not do is bring up the marginal value of going out in field circus or joining the cancer. If they did that, then people would find it in their best interests to stay out longer. New ones would not need to be scammed into joining. And that would be without sending the hounder-hounders to hound people into doing more or printing out Washtowels telling people that they are going to die unless they do more.

  • justhuman

    I don't think they will remove it...they need the preaching time to show that they are the only ones doing "God's"will. Plus they need to keep record for the "spiritual"ones and non spiritual ones. How can they appoint someone that does not have the required hours when they don't have the preaching time. I recall that to have someone appointed as a MS at least should make 14 hours a month, plus recall visits, and magazines.

    WT cannot drop the Monthly report for many reasons

  • LovesDubs

    Im sure glad I dont have to rely on the "FIELD SERVICE SPEED" of Jehovahs Witnesses to save my LIFE! They walk slower than the snails in my garden do, swinging their briefcases, talking to each other, killing as much time out there as they can with the least amount of effort for the time. If theirs is a life saving message, they apparently dont give a shyte who dies because they didnt get there in time, THAT much is clear. And the effectivenss of the message is ZILCH and the number of people who actually come into the organization these days because of the delivery of that message is damn NEAR ZILCH. The only people getting baptized these days are the unfortunate OFFSPRING of the JWs already trapped in there.

    I remember it being asked one day in a meeting or a convention "How many of you came into Jehovahs Organization as a result of someone bringing the good news to your door?" And I think he fully expected by the smile on his face to see many many hands...there were like 2????

    IT DOESNT WORK! Billions of hours reported because nobody wants to be dropped from the rolls as being INACTIVE because they ARENT lying on their time sheets to avoid that CALL every month from the Service Overseer! So they put ANYTHING on that paper and drop it in the slot!

    At least the Mormons only have to do it FOR TWO YEARS and then theyre off the HOOK!

    I know I LIED about my time towards the end to keep the heat off, and eventually just said what the hell...I DONT CARE what they think!

  • NewYork44M

    But I thought that one of the schrolles open in the new order was an excel file with every publisher's recorded time. That has been said numerous times from the platform.

    Turning in time serves the purpose of excerting coercive control over the r&f. It is the only way the elders have of knowing who is naughty and who is nice. As long as the society wants to control the r&f they will require fs time reports.

    From a practical perspective, they need to know the amount of literature distributed. This number should have a bearing on production. Other than that, the statistics are meaningless other than the control factor.

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