Watchtower Comments GENERATION VIDEO

by V 32 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    It does go to show that playing with the power of god in your hands can be an arduous and difficult task at times ,

    but I'm sure in regards to people like Judge Rutherford it was all worth it $$$

  • Leolaia

    Excellent discussion and great use of the Who!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    the accuracy thrown in with humor is what makes it such a strong statement. To any fader it makes all the sense in the world.

  • megawatt

    Excellent work, V. I finally introduce the wife to your work and she was very much impressed on the presentation, and at the same time shocked/sadden/angered at what she's invested all these years. I have been talking to her in past couple of months re: my exit and she was in a state of confusion up until recently where it's starting to become more and more self evident of this organization's double talk and hidden agenda.

    Again, keep 'em coming!!!

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    You do a nice job with these, V. Keep it up!

  • cyberdyne systems 101
    cyberdyne systems 101

    Excellent video comments,

    Puts it so easily for the watcher to see how the GB makes things up as it goes along. I mean with this new meeting arrangement, they have now decided whats going to change, who put them up to this in the first place! Clearly from the way they have put it, men have made choices, its not from God.

    CS 101

  • A&S

    Great Work . One question though . Where do you find the Awake quotes ? I only have them from the 70's forward . Like to have them to show people so they can't refute it . Thanks

  • V
    Where do you find the Awake quotes ? I only have them from the 70's forward .

    If you are talking about the Watchtower Library on CD, the Society dumps another year every time a new CD is released. If you do not have access to an older CD or bound volumes then I suggest you provide the reference. The JW you are talking to can look it up in their Kingdom Hall library.

  • Mary

    Excellent job V!!

  • Aleman

    You are so stuck on the past errors, LET IT BE, V!


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