The JWD stigma about being "nice"

by changeling 108 Replies latest jw friends

  • wings
    Cuddly Club? Is there some secret elite area of JWD that I don't have access to?

    I am more of a one-on-one cuddler, and a hot tub will do. too!

    As far as I can tell HS holds the membership along with other inner clubs like his personal fan club. I'm pretty sure I'm not on the list. I would probably qualify for the FLUFF club easier than the CC. The frustrating thing is you don't join, you are just classified, branded. If you aren't nice, you shouldn't have a problem. Stay away from the fluff threads if you don't want to end up like me. For God's sake, don't start whinning! I'd hate to think of what club you might end up in.

    just kidding HS...

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    I've learned my lesson though. It seems that "genuinely" nice (and I don't consider nice to be an insult) people must never attempt to call attention to the unkind behaviour of others, for if they do, they will be branded as hypocrites. Nice + speaking out = hypocrite.

    I don't think you have learned your lesson. You are still branding yourself as "genuinely nice" and others as "genuinely not nice". When you speak out against others using judgemental language and names, you say you are a genuinely nice person speaking her mind. When others speak out against views they disagree with using sarcasm or names, then they are genuinely not nice and just being their true selves.

    Being genuinely nice + speaking out does not make you a hypocrite. Judging others, calling similiar names and then claiming to be "genuinely nice" as opposed to them is what earned you the label hypocrite.

    You see, sometimes I am genuinely nice (and so is Hillary) and sometimes I am a genuine bitch! (and so are you!) I'm fine with admitting that. Are you?


  • hillary_step


    A song to cheer you up a little.

    In the Land Of Grey And Pick


  • changeling

    Pass the "punk weed" HS...

    Peace out,

    changeling :)

  • changeling

    Cog: You are right, I, like everyone else, have good and bad qualities ( I never said otherwise). However, I feel you have gone out of your way to twist my words around and to be hurtful. I don't know what kind of bad shit you are dealing with, but I wish you would stop taking it out on me.

    And maybe you should have some of HS's punk weed...

    changeling :)

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident
    However, I feel you have gone out of your way to twist my words around and to be hurtful. I don't know what kind of bad shit you are dealing with, but I wish you would stop taking it out on me.

    Well, there you go again, making assumptions. You assume I'm must be going through something bad and I'm taking it out on you just because I disagree with you. Are you attempting to psychoanalyze me, also? You take it as a personal attack and call me "hurtful". You don't accept that my comments could have any validity whatsoever.

    Interesting, that Bizzy Bee, whom I had just criticized the night before, also agreed with my assessment of your comments. Is she going through some bad shit too? (I think the difference was, she didn't take it personally). Actually, you said the same thing about Hillary. Everyone who disagrees with you must be going through some terrible turmoil in their life. Why else would they be such mean and cruel human beings as to criticize your choice of words?

    In what way did I "twist" any of your words? I simply quoted them and pointed out that they didn't sound quite as "nice" to me as the standard you were holding others to.

    I have no personal beef with you, Changeling. I was just trying to point out another perspective. If you don't want to take a look at it, you certainly don't have to. I'm done, "taking it out" on you. I'm sure you are a "nice" person, 99.9% of the time. Sincerely.


  • wings
    I have no personal beef with you, Changeling.

    Your words say something different. What is your problem??? Are you a last word freak?

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Fight! Fight!! Fight!!! Hehe! Couldn't resist (emoticon eating popcorn)

  • wings
    Fight! Fight!! Fight!!! Hehe! Couldn't resist (emoticon eating popcorn)

    I can't do that either (emoticons eating popcorn) need help someone

  • BizzyBee

    Hey, girls and boys!

    It is all about labels. I hate labels and try my best to avoid them, not always successfully. I can honestly say that I don't understand the label, as changeling is using it, of "nice." I do NOT understand the idea that "nice" is considered "dumb" anymore than "intellectuals" are all considered "mean." It almost seems that Changeling is enviously referring to posters who are able to express their thoughts and feelings clearly and concisely.

    I personally don't think people should be judged negatively because they happen to be facile with words. Duh! Writing is how I make a living, so I am not too charitable with those who put it down as some kind of ego-trip. THAT is ignorant and I for one, refuse to dumb-down to make someone feel okay about their poor self image.

    Psychologically, a label puts someone in a box that does not consider that they (we) are all many things, in many different ways, at many different times. So, labelling someone as "nice" puts them in a box that does not acknowledge that they can also be "not nice" at times. Because THAT is the reality as I have observed it here at JWD. The "nice" posters can be every bit as brutal or moreso. In my observation, I categorically do not put them in the arena of "nice." They are at many times challenging, confrontational, critical, and castigating. There is a clear frustration that is visited harshly upon others.

    Smart is good, dumb is not so good. There - I've been forced to use labels. Sorry that it cannot be softened any further than that.

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