Emotional Reactions to the Loss of the Book Study

by DT 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    See, I would have loved this to happen 50 yrs ago. I mostly remember it being another evening of rushing, not the cozy things, had to dress up all the same anyway,,and just the same o same o of questions read, answers, paragraphs read. Okay maybe sometimes there was a cookie or two but not usually. I hope this gives a little more space for some personal 'thinking' time for some, maybe a little more fun time for the kids, some interesting reading for a change, and just some needed relaxing.

  • watson

    The book study was fun when I was a kid.

    It actually helped my fade though. When they went with the Revelation book AGAIN, I decided it was my time to bow out.

  • Core88

    One thing I enjoy now that I am not in the Dub's is evidence! All this talk of doing away with the BS two full topics about it links to this thread on the main freeminds.org website, and so far not a single drop of evidence to show that this is in fact a REAL change...I feel like you all have gone back to being Kool-Aid drinkers!? Why the long winded remarks and no evidence, where is this bit of information coming from? Thanks Core88

  • boyzone

    My parents book study was their whole life, I mean, it was their complete social life. As a group, they not only did all the "society" stuff but once a month they had a games night together with lots of food. They had trips out to the theatre together and fish & chip suppers etc.

    Now that mum and dad are getting on (70's-80's) the group was the one meeting they didn't struggle to get to cos it was held in the daytime.

    Of all the meetings to get rid of this will hurt them the most. I feel sad for them both as they'll miss the support. Still it means I might get them to come back to their family,

  • dinah

    First of all let me say, I love me some Mary.

    Now. The borg doesn't really want you to be friends. I have had a friend since I was 12. We have been through hell and high water---together and without the BORG since age 18. We're 40 now and heaven help the poor fool who would dare to get between us.

    THAT my friends, is love.

    The Jehovah's Witness Corporation wants you to be friends on face value but not really friends. They want you to smile and greet at the Kingdom Hall. But they offer NOTHING beyohd those walls. Real friends are off limits, they might have deep conversations. Deep conversations lead to questions.

    The only thing that comes to mind right now are Christ's words: Where two or more are gathered together......

    and you really don't need a doily.

    On my way to hell, at least I get a good laugh at these bastards.

    OOPS, I don't believe in hell------my bad.

  • dinah

    First of all let me say, I love me some Mary.

    Now. The borg doesn't really want you to be friends. I have had a friend since I was 12. We have been through hell and high water---together and without the BORG since age 18. We're 40 now and heaven help the poor fool who would dare to get between us.

    THAT my friends, is love.

    The Jehovah's Witness Corporation wants you to be friends on face value but not really friends. They want you to smile and greet at the Kingdom Hall. But they offer NOTHING beyohd those walls. Real friends are off limits, they might have deep conversations. Deep conversations lead to questions.

    The only thing that comes to mind right now are Christ's words: Where two or more are gathered together......

    and you really don't need a doily.

    On my way to hell, at least I get a good laugh at these bastards.

    OOPS, I don't believe in hell------my bad.

  • Core88

    Glad we are getting some points out that have nothing to say about the thread topic it's self, and we are laughing and enjoying our crazy ass selves..., however as I stated earlier where is the evidence that the BS is going away? Anyone, really enough BS about the BS, show me the money...erm facts. Thanks Core88

  • dinah

    Be a good little JW boy and school me.

  • veradico

    Whether the bookstudy is going the way of the convention lunches, the hardcover books, the magazines, the epic assemblies, and the longer public talk, or not, I think it's useful to explore the ways in which the bookstudy can be "dangerous" to the JW organization. Almost my entire bookstudy left at the same time. This happened for various reasons, some of them particular to each of the individuals involved. However, without the support of a close-knit community of like-minded (i.e., questioning) friends whose friendships developed, in part, as a result of the bookstudy "arrangement" throwing us together, it would have been much harder for us to leave. It got us in the habit of talking about religious stuff together in our living rooms. The other bookstudies were known to be less fun and less close; in fact, the even other _congregation_ was known to be more "conservative." Now I'm sure the other congregation and the other bookstudies look at what happened (our collective exodus) as a perverse vindication of their cold, ridged, authoritarian ways. Being ridged and authoritarian will not attract many new converts, but those attracted by such an atmosphere are surely the sort of sheep-like, servile people the Society is looking for.

  • bobld

    The br....less R&F slaves will bow down and thank their masters (GB/FDS).Saying they are preparing for the end.However,I'am at a loss because a few years ago they were saying that the bookstudies were a place of refuge when the persecution starts.


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