Very Famous People That Are / Were JW's?

by Celtic 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celtic

    Geri Hallowell from the Spice Girls? Michael Jackson & family? One of the Presidents wives? One of the Popes personal secratary's? (And what was that all about?) Prince, musician?

    Can these be confirmed and are there any more?

    And what on earth was it, that attracted these individuals to the Witnesses in the first place?

    One or two obviously born into it, the rest?

    Any views and/or comments?



  • RR

    Jeez, the only one I can come up with is .... SATAN!

    "Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional."

  • Celtic

    Thats crossed my mind a few times too!

    I can still remember counting all the pages of the Black NWT, if you count the inside unmarked pages, surprise, surprise - 1,666 pages!!



  • zerubberballz

    Abel the sheep slayer
    Moses the gypo stabber
    Sampson the psyco killer
    David the giant dropper
    John the locust cruncher
    Jesus the merchant puncher
    Babylon the slut
    Russell the habedasherer
    Rutherford the Judge
    Matthew the window cleaner.

    Bruce the wanker?

    PS: good hobby you got there Celtic, i was once so bored witless by a public speaker i tried adding up every letter in genesis .. that got so boring i went back to daydreaming about sex.

    edit: ... hang on .. i think i got one .. what about that Rank guy who belts the gong before the movie starts ... i'm sure he was a brother.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    years ago, the gal who starred in the TV series "Get Christy Love",

    our two tennis champions...

    help me out with names - I've got brainlock...

    US President Eisenhower during his "yoot"

  • edward gentry
    edward gentry

    For any ozzies.
    The chick on "The Panel" on channel 10 used to be a dub.

  • bitter mango
  • Celtic

    UncleBruce, you are right, the Rank Films Gongggggg, I remember him, yes he was known for being a brother. That puzzled me, even back then and I was only 7 or so.



  • Thirdson

    Uncle Bruce and Celtic,

    Another connection. The guy who gonged the gong on the opening credits of Rank films was Ken Richmond. He was an ex-wrestler too. He served as a CO during the 60s and 70s. (His wife used to be a nightclub/cabaret singer, I think) Most notably known for directing pedestrian traffic at lunchtime at the 1969 International convention at Wembley Park, London in 1969. (I was 9). I have not heard anything of him since the late 70s.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • larc


    It wasn't one of the President's wives, it was one of the President's mothers.

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