Criticism worthy of your time

by johnnyc 71 Replies latest jw experiences

  • mouthy

    What, in your opinion is the connection between Russell and the "governing body of the Watchtower?"

    Well Russell said we should NOT belong to an organisation. I think he was a good man to start off with, like most who want to do good, but then power takes over.(Power currupts ) when folks start to look up to the person, it goes to the head. That is why I say dont follow ANYONE !!! I dont care WHO they are.

  • Quirky1

    Johnnyc - I've read this thread and the conclusion I've come to is this . I beleive you are like most JW's, that you are already convinced that it is the, "One True Religion", and you are not willing to accept anything else or any other reasoning even if one shows you proof in black and white. It seems your mind is already made up. Go back to the KH.


  • johnnyc

    I could be wrong, but I would imagine that the term “Governing Body” came into place due to the reference made about the group who “governed” the affairs of the WTBTS/IBS Corporation as corporate officers. When Russell was around, even though he had a board of officers (ie President, VP, Treasurer, etc – things a corporation needs to have legally), he ran the WTBTS/IBS probably more like a dictatorship. It wasn’t until Rutherford passed away that the “Governing Body” got its real authority to make decisions. In reality, once that occurred, many of the beliefs and viewpoints Russell and Rutherford had were changed. Some, like 1914, were kept.

  • mouthy

    Some, like 1914, were kept.

    But Johnny do YOU believe it?

  • johnnyc

    Honestly, I am doing a bunch of research on that date now. Since Russell was wrong about so many other things, especially over dates, I do have a hard time with any date he/they came up with. I do have some things which pull me in the other direction on this issue, but the study is so complex - and I am in the middle of it. There is incredible complexity with just setting upon a calender format to use as a basis for Daniel's prophesy to be calculated. I'll let you know what I think when I am done though...(if you want).

  • mouthy

    ...(if you want).Thanks Johnny! I do want to know. Did you know about Beth Serim? I didnt! I really am interested in your findings. I want you to KNOW I love Jehovahs Witnesses ,I am very upset about the misleadings I have since found out, You must remember my husband used to beat me unmercifully ( Had a fractured skull at one beating)to get me to leave them ,,But the brothers??? told me many of the brothers were in jail, for the persecution of loving the organisation , so I should be greateful I could still go door to door with my black eyes. Dont forget I made 10 people JWS..... How many have you made????.But when I came out I found he was right.... Jehovah in scripture said we must love our enemies????, But I truly did believe they taught me truth....Then when my hubby died they kicked me out ( LOOK AFTER WIDOWS & CHILDREN!!!!)not only that ....they stopped my daughter that is still in it from helping me & as you can see by my age ,It would be nice to have a helping hand at times ((((HUGS))) Johnny I am interested....

    Mouthy/ Granny/ Grace Gough

  • TD


    I could be wrong, but I would imagine that the term “Governing Body” came into place due to the reference made about the group who “governed” the affairs of the WTBTS/IBS Corporation as corporate officers. When Russell was around, even though he had a board of officers (ie President, VP, Treasurer, etc – things a corporation needs to have legally), he ran the WTBTS/IBS probably more like a dictatorship. It wasn’t until Rutherford passed away that the “Governing Body” got its real authority to make decisions. In reality, once that occurred, many of the beliefs and viewpoints Russell and Rutherford had were changed. Some, like 1914, were kept.

    I apologize. That's not exactly what I meant. If we assume for the sake of discussion that C.T. Russell had the authority (And by extension the insight from God) to reveal such things (e.g. 1914 and it's alleged significance) on what basis would it follow that J.F. Rutherford did? Was he appointed by Russell? (When and how?) Was he appointed by God? (When and how?) Was the truthfulness of his teaching confirmation in and of itself? (What would this say about Russell? Rutherford systematically dismantled 99% of the original Barbour/Russel eschatology / chronology.)

  • LayingLow

    On that note, why wouldn't Barbour be the FDS then (assuming that the one given the insight into the 1874 presence/ 1914 expiration of gentile times, would be the one led by God)?

    That prophecy interpretation was definitely Barbour's.

  • johnnyc

    TD: I can see the point you are making, and it is logical to question the things that occurred. I personally cannot think of a good reason things happened the way they did from the late 1800's to the late 1930's. Between the issues Russell had in the beginning with his associates to Rutherford massively changing doctrine developed by Russell, it is very convoluted - and as everyone knows, the Rutherford days were less than admirable. That being said, could there be a case made to the fact the WTBTS ended up pleasing God in some way (after those days) so as to be counted worthy of receiving his spirit and direction henceforth? That question is the only reason I have contemplated sicking around the WTBTS, yet I worry that my attitude on the matter might conflict with the idea JW's have of "true dedicated worship". Can a good JW believe the days of Russell and Rutherford (more Rutherford) were not fully backed by Holy Spirit? Perhaps my feelings on that matter defines my position with the WTBTS...?

  • inkling
    an organization they feel abandoned them at some point. Perhaps when it was felt they needed this organization the most.

    Yeah, this is totally not it.


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