LW campaign against the Society

by Philippus79 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Philippus79

    Hi friends!

    These LW dudes continue warning the Society about their pending destruction. This time they want them to give up their strict rules...

    To all lovers of God and of his son,

    As you know we have for 2 years been trying to get the date of the first fire from the heavens of 1King18 in its last fulfilment. In a wonderful example of what can be achieved by co-operation between the JWs and the LWs in furthering bible understanding, one particular JW who we cannot name in case you visit upon him a cruel and inhuman penalty for his faith, and love of bible research, recommended that we consider the Jubilee as the reason why every number in 1Kings18 is denominated in 50s, when we had been looking more at Pentecost.

    We realised that we had not fully understood how to apply the Jubilee release to the Sabbath timetable of our church. We had failed to fully interpret Leviticus 25. Without going into detail just as the Jubilee release occurred on the 10th day of the 7th month of the 50th year under the Law of Moses, so it occurs at the 10th hour of the 7th day of the 50th month under the law of the LWs. Well that would be 2008Iyyar7 at the 10th hour of the day. This is what 1Kings18 is screaming at us by all of the 50s and multiples of 50s in the account, as our friend in the JWs said. This is the holy spirit showing us how to co-operate you know.

    Now that day is a release from slavery and a return to family and possession and an atonement between God and the JWs and between the LWs and the JWs who will thereafter be able to research and evangelise and serve God together rather than continuing to give the demons a victory with our ungodly division. Every day we are separated mankind’s understanding of God’s word suffers.

    Now the blast of the horn of the ram (which means Jubilee – thanks for that one, footnote NWT), is the end of the 7 day campaign of Jericho by the LWs on the walled up JWs. So we start that campaign today thanks to your help with our understandings.

    This campaign is your liberation so please embrace it and enjoy it for it is God’s will that we unite.


    Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses

    Tel: 1 701 412 1254 (US)
    Tel: 44 208 906 1676 (UK)
    R.S.V.P. [email protected] or [email protected]

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze
    We had failed to fully interpret Leviticus 25. Without going into detail just as the Jubilee release occurred on the 10th day of the 7th month of the 50th year under the Law of Moses, so it occurs at the 10th hour of the 7th day of the 50th month under the law of the LWs. Well that would be 2008Iyyar7 at the 10th hour of the day. This is what 1Kings18 is screaming at us by all of the 50s and multiples of 50s in the account, as our friend in the JWs said. This is the holy spirit showing us how to co-operate you know.

    How could I have missed this in my reading of Leviticus? Sign me up at once. Their beliefs are far more rational and ground in reality than those of JWs.

  • Spook
    This campaign is your liberation so please embrace it and enjoy it for it is God’s will that we unite.


    Your little brothers in spirit and faith, the Lords’ Witnesses

    I'm more liberated than you could ever imagine, and I'm no brother of yours. I support solidarity for the downfall of the Watchtower corporation into beggary and ruination, but I include other literalists such as yourselves in this stance. You can't beat them with theology and to try in this manner is preposterously foolish. I feel like watching fundamentalists argue about the bible is like watching two pigs fight over the same trough.

    You can oppose them with other false interprations of fairy tails if you like. I'll go on combating you and all my theocratic enemies by building a secular state in which religions are not tax sheltered and "sacred texts" are taught only as mythology, in which only harmless moderate faith can survive.

    I suppose I wasn't included in the address "To all lovers of God and his son." I can certainly say I'm glad God doesn't exist. If he did I certainly couldn't choose to love him, and it wouldn't be natural to do so for anyone but a sado-masochist. But as a brief and unproductive aside, I would have loved Jesus more than any Christian I know. Why? If he existed he was murdered by torture. I would have been morally obligated to defend him, regardless of his requests to the contrary. Furthermor, if God existed and was willing to exculpate my sins based on this scape goating, I am morally obligated to refuse. My errors, where they fall, are mine alone.

    War all the time, or Hasta La Victoria Siempre


  • nomoreguilt

    Seeing as how it's the Jubilee year, do I get all of my donations over the years to the WTS back now? Will the WTS now forgive me of all of my indiscretions now? How about these WL's, ???? Never heard of you. And I didn't even hear the HORN blow!!!!

    Normally I'm not so crass,but I just started taking Chantix, quit smoking meds and I'm a little edgy right now. More on that in a thread of it's own, later.

    However, in my normal state of mind, I STILL would NOT and can NOT listen to any more selfrighteous preaching!!!!!



  • JCanon

    Hi Spook:

    I'm more liberated than you could ever imagine, and I'm no brother of yours. I support solidarity for the downfall of the Watchtower corporation into beggary and ruination, but I include other literalists such as yourselves in this stance. You can't beat them with theology and to try in this manner is preposterously foolish. I feel like watching fundamentalists argue about the bible is like watching two pigs fight over the same trough.

    Interesting. But I've spoken with God personally and he has provided the promised "sign of the son of man" for the chosen. I emphasized PROMISED. It's in the Bible that "Immediately after the tribulation of those days...." and the spiritual darkening in understanding of the WTS the "sign of the son of man would appear in HEAVEN." Turns out the "sign" was cloud imagery, an image of a sleeping black child related to the nature of the second-coming messiah. It appeared especially for my own reference in 1998 and was photographed by a skyscape photographer. Turns out others had seen the sign as well since the same image of the sleeping black child's face also appeared in the 1988 Revelation Book, fully 10 years before the sign appeared to be photographed.

    COINCIDENCE? Hardly.


    So it boils down to what is truly REALITY has to do with how much information you have or maybe who God chooses to reveal himself to. I suppose if someone insists upon pretending he doesn't exist he will provide some "stumbling blocks" to make sure they are totally convinced of that. But it amounts to your own delusion.

    And, as far as your view that there can be no doctrinal challenge to the WTS, I can only presume you don't truly follow the arguments since I and others have completely exposed the WTS for their false doctrines. That means there is no ongoing "debate" over certain doctrinal issues they are totally in the dark about. So your reflection is that of your own confusion. Let me give you just a couple of quick examples.

    1. Case in point, Matthew 24:29 says "Immediately after the tribulation of those days..." the sign of the son of man would appear. That means quite clearly, the messiah does not appear until AFTER the "great tribulation" is completely over. Yet the WTS can't deal with this scripture since it thinks the great tribulation is Armageddon and it makes no sense that Jesus doesn't arrive until after Armageddon. So what do they "twist"? They try and say this means after the "beginning" of Armageddon and thus Armageddon is still in progress when some persons will suddenly convert and see the sign of the son of man and then beat themselves in lamentation. I don't think so. You see, once Armageddon actually starts, everybody will want to convert. The whole idea of preaching and having people believe based on the Bible and faith is so that they convert before it starts to rain. That is, everybody in Noah's day was a "believer" once it started to rain! I'm sure they were all focussed on getting onto the ark at that point. So the survivors are chosen before Armageddon begins, not after, it is obvious. So they are CLUELESS.

    2. Here's a favorite: Jesus' trial was at noon but it gets dark at noon for three hours. Jesus is impaled at the third hour, which is 9 a.m. or 9 p.m. So how is thar reconciled? The WTS actually states they can't figure it out. The reason they can't is because they need Jesus to die on Nisan 14th. The fact is, the only way to reconcile this is if the trial is the day before Jesus' death. Period. Other scriptures help confirm Jesus died on Nisan 20th, a Thursday, permitting him to be in the grave "three nights" as the Bible says. The WTS is, again, stubborn and CLUELESS as to adjusting to the reality of the Bible.

    So what you have are those who actually find clarity in scripture, who are honest; and those who just want to be deceived. Often when approaching witnesses or anybody else with such "radical" views as that Jesus died on Nisan 20th, they just reject it and call my "crazy." But in reality, they are the ones who are not facing reality or, as often is the case, it turns out they are not all that well versed in actually UNDERSTANDING the scriptures. They are Watchtower puppets who read the magazine and then comment on paragraphs with the answers already there for them, a process that seldom requires them to actually THINK or REASON about what is said.

    3. Of course, the WTS is completely deceptive about when the 70 years begin. They even quote Josephus regarding the reality of the 70 years who clearly states the last deportation in year 23 were of those Jews who had ran down to Egypt. The WTS goes out of its way to explain in speculation that those last Jews must have scattered when Gedaliah was killed and were among those taken from the surrounding area. Why? Because they can't afford to have us thinking the Jews from Egypt were the last deported since obviously it would suggest they went around Judea instead of back through it to get to Babylon! In fact, the Bible specifically says they would return to Judea after most had been killed. (Jer. 44:14,28).

    So, sorry... but your imagined pig fight where nobody has the truth nor can resolve anything is a total figment of your imagination. That helps you to feel relaxed about thinking there is no god. Maybe because it does take work and effort and examination to get to the bottom of the truth, as some of us have. But are you really interested in the truth?

    No truth. No reality.

    You look at what you want to and close your eyes to the evidence that's there. That's not God's fault if you don't believe.

    Here's a simple test for you. A simple statement of alleged fact: Xerxes and Artarxerxes I are the same king! That's direct enough. Seems to me one could easily disprove this if it's not true! I know you can't, and even if you found circumstantial evidence suggesting otherwise, the Bible still claims they are the same king. Where is the WTS on this issue? Where are YOU on the issue? You are no where because you're not interested and have already made up your mind.

    Those of us who have questions and seek the answers are finding them. Others like yourself who have questions and are too lazy to look for the answers remain confused and deluded. I'm happy to be where I am. Sorry to see you've lost your way.


  • JCanon


    Furthermor, if God existed and was willing to exculpate my sins based on this scape goating, I am morally obligated to refuse. My errors, where they fall, are mine alone.

    You have made this judgment based upon your own assessments. But those assessments might not be comprehensive enough or based on all the facts, possibly based upon a misinterpretation of the facts. When the evident facts start to become a little clearer I'm wondering if your viewpoint will change? We'll see. I think you're passionate but deceived.


  • JK666


    They crack me up. They make the JW's seem somewhat mainstream. I have been following their predictions for about 3 years now. I think that there would have been at least 100 dirty bombs dropped on the UN by now if they were right. At least they have figured one thing out. If you plan on it happening a couple of times a month for years, eventually you are going to be right!

    What a cluster F that group is!

    I will keep my shades handy just in case thay are correct. Or not, as I really don't care.


  • Tired of the Hypocrisy
    Tired of the Hypocrisy

    I may sound like a complete doosh, but I have no clue about what a LW is. I am pretty tired....anyone? Anyone?

    Never mind....Lord's Witless

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    It's really sad seeing what being a JW does to some people's minds.

  • Honesty

    Phlip'd his Lid and Loose Canon are kidding, right?

    There's no way they believe the stuff they come up with.

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