State A Simple Opinion About JWD Members

by nicolaou 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • sacolton

    Open-minded - in a lowly way.

  • flipper

    Good thread . Many people come to JWD with their own various motives . Might be a good thing , may be a grievous thing . Depends what their motives are. But I think most people come here motivated to get healing , and give healing words to others. And to educate themselves. And to educate others. No matter what I've come to admire many JWD members here , and I've learned a lot from all of you . It has been and continues to be an enjoyable ride ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • ninja

    pains in the arse.....just

  • BrentR

    As a global group united by the internet we represent the biggest threat to the borg. One they never saw comming and can do little to stop now.

  • Casper

    Like an oasis in the desert....

  • crashfire451

    Our wit is exceeded only by our ravishing good looks.

  • Mysterious

    A mixed bag. There are the well meaning and the bitter, the experienced and the young, the fundies and the atheists. Everyone has two cents and you never know what color the marble is when you reach into the bag.

  • seven006

    Hey Minhole,

    I thought you went on vacation? I also thought you were restricted.

    What’s up?

    Just because I don’t post much anymore doesn’t mean I don’t read the board.

    Have a good trip.


  • Layla33
    Layla33 never know what color the marble is when you reach into the bag.

    For emphasis.

  • Alpaca

    This is an intelligent (for the most part), diverse group.

    The refreshing thing is the full continuum of perspectives.

    I am very thankful for this board and the contacts I've made with kindred spirits who also post here.

    Cheers to all,


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