VERY BAD son is going to Bethel............

by oompa 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    OOMPA - I agree with what some of these former Bethelites are saying. There is nothing more likely to cause " cognizant dissonance " in your son , than seeing that his fellow workers at Bethel are very " imperfect " should we say ? I think his bubble will get popped in time ! But, as others said my friend, just be there for your son to talk with him to help him land softly if he needs it ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • loosie

    sorry oompa. ((hugs))

    But look at all the people we have on this board who used to be at bethel. Maybe once he sees how bethel really works he will leave the org all together.

  • owenfieldreams

    Going to Bethel and seeing the power/class structure, all the politics, being told things like," until you're here five years, you're really not considered part of the 'family'", and the absolute idol worship of the gb members, other heavyweights, and their wives--all this was a real eye-opener to me.

  • skeeter1

    OOMPA. The kitchen help figures out how many rats are in the place.........and they leave. The Dubs at the KH dont.......and they are more likely to stay. Skeeter

  • jwfacts

    It is very bitter sweet. However, not many people enjoy Bethel life, and it is the catalyst for many to see through the Watchtower BS. It was going to Bethel that made me realise what a second rate, unguided organization the WTS is, although it took 3 1/2 years.

  • jwfacts

    I received an email from a Bethelite and was told that there is a lot of murmuring about the latest blood and generation changes amongst the Bethelites, and these are the ones that are being asked to leave. Ask him why they are calling him in when a couple of thousand have just been asked to leave?

    Bethel is also a financial drain, and it is scary to leave once you have spent all your money, and fear that it may be difficult to get a job. If he knows he can leave and get some support from you to get back on his feet if he wants to leave Bethel, that will help him emotionally and make a better bond between the two of you.

  • JWdaughter

    I think you have gotten some great insights here. It seems like a huge percentage of ex-Bethelites are ex-JWs. Look how many are here!

    I think being supportive of your son as he is leaving, letting him know that you understand his excitement at being asked to go-as a JW it is like being given a post at the vatican for a RC. It is a GREAT honor and shows how much respect he has at the KH and among the B&S's. I think you also need to let him know that you are aware of what an awesome and admirable person he is apart from the KH and JWs. He has a lot to offer ANYone, any organization or company. Let him know that when his time at Bethel is up that you are there for him, NO MATTER WHAT and will help him get established again in the working world etc.

    I think so long as he knows that your love and pride in him and for him has nothing to do with his JW activities, and that you have confidence in him to achieve any worthwhile goal, then you will always be his 'soft spot to land' when he is ready to join the real world again.

    If he knows that you love him and take pride in him no matter what, then he can come home whenever he needs to do so.

  • BabaYaga

    Oompa... I can CERTAINLY understand your sadness (and nausea, for that matter) over this news... but I think that what the majority are replying here is true... that is often the straw that breaks it... or, perhaps a more fitting metaphor: Where they show you how they manufacture the rose-colored glasses... you might realize how silly it is to wear your own.

    Another thought: Have you not noticed how when someone has doubts, or has decided to leave (not just the Borg but any unhealthy relationship) they have to really be into it GUNG-HO for a bit... to give it their all... and know that they have really tried everything? It frightens faithful Witnesses when they feel themselves slipping. They see it as their hands not holding firm enough on the rope that will save them from the abyss! Perhaps he feels needs to go do this to save himself from his doubts.

    He doesn't realize how enlightening it can be... and not in the way he is expecting.

    Much love and strength to you...

  • What-A-Coincidence

    tell him to read Crisis of Consience before he leaves or that you will not talk to him

  • oompa
    hopeforothers: What a shocker for you? How soon is this taking place?

    Before summer. I did not even ask I was so sick, but he said he hoped we would come up and visit this summer.

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