JW spanking their kids

by asilentone 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Quillsky

    Then why, Shamus, would one 'tap' a child painlessly on its backside?

    (Also, to be clear, I didn't use the term "retard".)

    So do you painlessly 'tap' your children on their buttocks, Shamus? If so, why? I look forward to your answer.

  • shamus100


    Get bent. With your accusatory attitude I owe you nothing, twit. If that's what you can come up with in my paragraph, there's something wrong with you.

    No monkey kisses for you.

  • Quillsky

    What does "get bent" mean?

    (Can live without monkey kisses!)

    PS.... Do you still beat your children?

  • blondie
  • Quillsky
    If spanking is so fine and dandy with some of you, why is it the law that once a kid hits 18 it's illegal and called assault?

    Thank you.

  • Quillsky

    And thank you blondie. I had no idea the monkey told me to get fucked, twice. I'd prefer posters respond to my actual points rather than saying "get fucked", twice.

  • shamus100

    As a matter of fact, Quillsky,

    In a crappy little show on television, namely the Simpsons (perhaps you have heard of it?) a character called Bart Simpson uses the term "get bent" all the time. Now I never knew that it meant get f***ed in your world, but go figure.

    Now you want me to respond to you, in fact, you are demanding that I do so. Obviously you did not read my previous post. I shall re-post it for you to look at.

    Get bent. With your accusatory attitude I owe you nothing, twit. If that's what you can come up with in my paragraph, there's something wrong with you.

    Get bent.

  • bluecanary

    PLEASE read this article: Ten reasons not to hit your kid. Parents hit because they don't know what else to do. Fortunately we live in a time where there are abundant resources on how to use positive forms of discipline. Jane Nelsen's books in particular are wonderful guides.

    People like to say "My parents spanked me, and I turned out just fine." Well you know what? My father sexually molested me and I turned out just fine. Don't make the propter hoc mistake of assuming that spanking creates well-adjusted adults.

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