by OhHappyDay 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know

    I don't subscribe to the politics of the JBS. But, they have done a tremendous amount of research on the UN and also into the long-running conspiracy to establish a global empire. I have read just about everything the JBS has published on the subject and I have even met the president of the John Birch Society and talked briefly with him about the truth. I disagree with them that the conspiracy emanates from the communists. The facts show that it comes down from London. But, as it stands presently, the UN is merely the political apparatus that will more than likely become the headquarters for administering the global governemtment once it has been fully established. Right now the only thing that really stands in the way of implementing global government is the U.S. dollar. Once that the greenback gets smoked the U.S. government will have no ruling legitimacy, then the men who want to take over the world will do so. When the time comes Jehovah's Witnesses will explain in detail how Jehovah's word foretold that development. / You Know

  • Gozz
    Gozz is necessary that the Society is registered at the UN as a Human Rights Organization. This is the only way to help our brothers...

    Now that a letter of dissociation has been written, does that mean it is no more necessary ot help the brothers? And will new way be found or not?

    However this does not mean that the Society is in any way involved politically with the UN or giving support to their political decisions.

    Blatant lie! This is the same words that's been said everytime. It'a lie. The Society agreed, and did so in writing, to support the UN. And the evidence shows they did. The wording is in classic Tower Style. OKay. The Society is involved with the UN, but not politically, right? And the Society has supported UN decisions, but not political decisions? The brothers at this Branch have been well trained in religious doublespeak.

    As usual, Paul has been dragged into the issue. Paul was a Roman; did he apply to be one? Did he label the Roman government as the antichrist? It shows there's no limit to what interpretation can be given to bible passages by the Tower.

    The same rule applies to this matter you asked about.

    Ha ha ha! So when it becomes known what the christian has done, he resigns, uh?

    ... The brothers at the branch should begin to think. They'll get nore instructions from Brooklyn. For now confusion reigns supreme.

  • Bridgette

    "without at any time being involved or giving any kind of support to the “biest” of Revelation"

    interesting., now when Christians in Nazi Germany tried to make and keep peace with the Nazi regime in order to save their hides and others, that was???? Let's see, according the Watchtower that continually blasted them for this......Remember everybody? yes, it was INEXCUSABLE! My mother in law is a Dutch Catholic. She grew up in war time Europe. She and others kept peace when the Germans occupied the Netherlands, all the while, helping (personally) Jews and others hiding from the Nazi's. Oh but, it doesn't matter what she and others did (fed the poor, clothed the naked, protected the weak, kind of like Jesus taught them to do) because they weren't Jehovah's Witnesses, they are gonna be fried and left for the birds to eat. Aaaah, but how comforting that the WT can join the organization they themselves have falsely proclaimed with venomous terms the beast of all beasts, in order to peddle more magazines world wide (oh, and offer a little humanitarian aid to their own in other countries). This blatant double standard is vomitous and an affront to compassionate humanity everywhere. If anything they taught me about their god is true (which, I've full confidence, it's not), they got some serious explaining to do.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello OhHappyDay,

    thanks for this new addition.

    The file get's always bigger and more interesting.

    Will you please post it also, in the main thread

    " Major news UN/...". Thanks again for all your

    efforts , greetings, J.C.MacHislopp

    " One who has an accurate knowledge
    of God's Word will have no problem
    in refuting false religious ideas".

  • Makena1

    Ahhhh, the John Birch Society. Have not thought about them in a long long time. Still recall those billboards near where I grew up in Indiana:

    GET "US" out of the UN.

    very wary of any mass movements these days. Thanks to Mulan and her husband for recommending "True Believer".

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    I'm glad to know they have recognized the error of their ways and ceased their sinful activity. That's an indication of repentance. Now I think they need to lose their privileges and be restricted in their activities for a while so they can restore their relationship with Jehovah.

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