YOU'RE an example of how not to use the word YOUR

by ColdRedRain 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alpaca

    I agree.

    Bad grammer is really annoying. However, sometimes I think posters just make an honest mistake.

    For example, this morning after I posted something I noticed that I used "there" when I meant to use "their," and thought to myself "what a moron, I am." Oh well. When you are mentally sounding things out phonetically, mistakes are bound to happen. So, it's another good argument for careful proof reading.

    Another thing that's really annoying is rambling sentences that show absolutely no forethought on the part of the poster.

    Thanks for the vent session


  • Hortensia

    As someone pointed out to me once, it's actually spelled "grammar" rather than "grammer." You're absolutely right - I wonder where all the tax dollars for education are going. They're obviously not going for education.

  • Layla33

    I have grammar gripes myself, mostly in my own writing because I am typing fast, whilst doing something else like working or two other things at home. I go back and edit, but sometimes I miss it. I think if we were turning in technical papers or things like that, we would be better, but honestly on a forum, expect some grammar and spelling mistakes. Imagine if there was no spell check invented, we would be lost. *smile*

  • sspo

    your soo ryt, i hope youll contnu to help us aut

    with ar englis and gramar. We ned it in dhis countri

    Thanks for the reminder, but you are definetely right, schools and mostly parents should

    do a better job in teaching childen

  • JeffT

    You can get T-shirts that say "Your a moron."

  • MsMcDucket

    I type phonetically. I, always, had to have someone proof read my college papers. I'm bad with homonyms!


    a very short little insignificant English word
    eh an interrogative utterance
    acts things done
    ax chopping tool
    ad short for advertisement
    add short for addition
    adds performs additions
    ads more than one advertisement
    adze axe-like tool
    ade fruit beverage
    aid to assist
    aide an assistant
    aerie eagle's nest
    airy breezy
    aero of aircraft
    arrow slender, pointed shaft
    affect to change
    effect result
    ail sick
    ale beer
    air stuff we breathe
    are 1/100th of a hectare
    e'er contraction of "ever"
    ere eventually
    err to make a mistake
    heir one who will inherit
    aisle walkway
    I'll contraction of "I will"
    isle island
    all everything
    awl pointed scriber
    allowed permitted
    aloud spoken
    altar raised center of worship
    alter to change
    an a single instance
    Ann a woman's name
    ant insect
    aunt parent's sister
    ante preliminary bet
    auntie sister of a parent
    arc portion of a circle
    ark vessel
    ascent the climb
    assent to agree
    ate past tense of eat
    eight the number base of octal
    auger a drill
    augur foretell
    aught anything
    ought should
    aural of hearing
    oral of the mouth
    auricle external part of the ear
    oracle seer
    away distant
    aweigh just clear of the bottom
    awed in a state of wonder
    odd not usual
    aweful filled with awe
    awful really bad
    offal butchered entrails
    aye naval affirmative
    eye ocular organ
    I oneself


    bail bucket handle
    bale bundle of hay
    bailed pumping water out of a boat
    baled to gather into a bale
    bailee a person to whom goods are committed for custody or repair
    bailey the outer wall of a castle
    bailie a municipal officer in Scotland
    bailer one who bails (water)
    bailor a person that entrusts goods to a bailee
    baler one who bales (hay)
    bailing pumping water out of a boat
    baling wire used to tie bales
    bait to torment
    bate to lessen
    baited past tense of bait
    bated past tense of bate
    baiting tormenting
    bating lessening
    baize green felt
    bays one or more enclosed arms of the ocean
    beys one or more Turkish officials
    bald hairless
    balled carnal knowledge
    bawled cried aloud
    ball playful orb
    bawl to cry
    band a group
    banned forbidden
    bard a poet
    barred enclosed by poles
    bare naked
    bear wild ursine
    bark outer sheath of a tree
    barque square-rigged sailing ship
    baron minor royalty
    barren unable to bear children
    Barry a man's name
    berry small fruit
    bury to take under
    basal forming the base
    basil an herb
    base the bottom support for anything
    bass the lowest musical pitch or range
    based supported
    baste to swab with liquid during cooking
    bases what baseball players like to steal
    basis principal constituent of anything
    basses many four-stringed guitars
    bask to warm oneself pleasantly
    basque tightfitting bodice or tunic (or, people of the Pyrenees)
    bat a blind, flying rodent
    batt a flat pad
    baud bits per second
    bawd brothel manager
    bay an enclosed arm of the ocean
    bey a Turkish official
    be to exist
    bee pollinating buzzer
    beach where i want to be
    beech a type of tree
    bean a legume
    been past tense of be
    beat to hit
    beet edible red root
    beau male friend
    bow a curve or bend; double-slipped reef knot
    beaut slang for beauty, beautiful
    butte steep sided hill
    been past tense of be
    bin a box or container
    beer universally brewed comfort food
    bier a temporary frame for a coffin
    bel indian thorn tree
    Bel Babylonian god
    bell ding ding
    belle beautiful woman
    berth anchorage
    birth your method of arrival
    besot to get drunk
    besought past tense of beseech
    better superior
    bettor one who bets
    bight middle of a rope
    bite a mouthful
    byte eight bits
    billed has a bill
    build to construct
    bit past tense of bite
    bitt large cleat for tying up ships
    blew past tense of blow
    blue color of California sky
    bloc an alliance
    block square object
    boar wild pig
    Boer a South African of Dutch descent
    boor tasteless buffoon
    bore not interesting
    board a plank
    bored not interested
    boarder lodger who gets meals, too
    border perimeter
    bode an omen
    bowed curved
    bold brave
    bowled knocked over
    bolder more courageous
    boulder large rock
    bole trunk
    boll round seed pod
    bowl dish
    boos disparaging sounds from fans
    booze whiskey
    born brought into life
    borne past participle of bear
    bourn a small stream or boundary
    borough township
    burrow dig into the ground
    bough tree branch
    bow front of a ship; respectful bend
    bouy navigational aid
    boy male child
    bra brassiere
    braw well-groomed
    braid a weave of three strands
    brayed a donkey cried
    braise cook with oil and water
    brays loud, harsh cry
    brake stopping device
    break to split apart
    breach to break through
    breech the back part
    bread a loaf
    bred past tense of breed
    brewed fermented
    brood family
    brews more than one beer
    bruise a contusion
    bridal pertaining to brides
    bridle horse's headgear
    broach to raise a subject
    brooch an ornament fastened to clothes
    brows multiple foreheads
    browse grazing
    bundt type of cake
    bunt hit a pitch without swinging
    burger meat sandwich
    burgher merchant
    bus large multi-passenger vehicle
    buss a kiss
    bussed kissed
    bust head and shoulders sculpture
    but excepting
    butt the thick end
    buy to purchase
    by near
    bye farewell
    buyer one who purchases
    byre a cow barn


    cache hidden storage
    cash legal tender
    cached hidden away
    cashed converted to legal tender
    calendar chart of days
    calender paper press
    call to summon
    caul amnionic membrane
    col a mountain pass
    caller one who calls
    collar my cat has collar ID
    can't contraction of "can not"
    cant a bevel
    cannon big gun
    canon body of law
    canter a moderate gallop
    cantor singer
    canvas rough cloth
    canvass to examine thoroughly
    capital most important
    capitol center of government
    carat unit of weight for precious stones, equal to 200 milligrams
    caret proofreader's insertion mark
    carrot edible orange root
    karat one 24th part of otherwise pure gold
    carol Christmas song
    carrel study enclosure
    carpal a bone of the carpus
    carpel a pistil
    cast to throw
    caste a social class
    caster one who throws
    castor beaver's smelly gland
    cause generative force
    caws sounds of crows
    cay a low island
    key opens locks
    quay a wharf
    cedar an evergreen tree
    seeder one who broadcasts seeds
    cede to give
    seed part of a plant from which a new one grows
    ceding giving
    seeding planting
    ceiling top of the room
    sealing to close a package or envelope
    cell a small room
    sell to exchange for money
    cellar under a house
    seller one who sells
    censer incense dish
    censor bad people who fear knowledge
    sensor a device which detects
    census numbering
    senses faculties
    cent one hundredth of a dollar
    scent an aroma
    sent dispatched
    cents hundredths of a dollar
    scents many things to smell
    sense detection equipment
    cere waxy fleshy covering at the base of the upper beak in some birds
    sear to scorch
    seer a prophet
    sere natural succession of plant or animal communities
    cereal grains
    serial numbers in sequence
    Ceres Roman Goddess of agriculture
    series a sequence of things
    cession giving up
    session a group sitting
    chalk calcareous earthy substance
    chock wedge to keep wheels from rolling
    chance happenstance
    chants more than one litany
    chard spinach-like vegetable
    charred burnt
    chased quickly followed
    chaste virginal
    check a tic mark
    Czech from Czechoslovakia
    chews masticating
    choose to select
    Chile a South American country
    chili dried pod of red pepper
    chilly uncomfortably cool
    choir church singers
    quire the twentieth part of a ream of paper
    choler yellow bile
    collar around your neck
    choral by a chorus
    coral marine polyp skeleton
    chorale a choir
    corral a pen for horses
    chord three tones in harmony
    cord very light rope
    cored divested of its central part
    chute inclined trough
    shoot to project an object
    cite to refer to
    sight vision
    site a location
    cited referenced
    sighted visually identified
    sited located
    cites past tense of cite
    sights tourist rationale
    sites more than one location
    clack a chattering sound
    claque a group hired to applaud, sycophants
    Claus fat, jolly guy with presents
    clause contractual unit
    claws big fingernails
    clew sheet cringle on a sail
    clue a hint
    click ticking noise
    clique exclusive group
    climb ascending
    clime climate
    close to shut
    clothes garments
    coal black mineral
    cole plants in the crucifer family
    coaled supplied with coal
    cold not supplied with coal
    coarse rough
    course path of travel
    coat wear it for warmth
    cote small animal shed
    coax persuade
    cokes more than one soft drink
    cocks more than one male bird
    cox a coxswain
    Cox a variety of eating apple
    coddling tenderly treating
    codling small, unripe apple
    coffer a strongbox; decorative, sunken ceiling panels
    cougher one who coughs
    coin money
    quoin corner stone
    colonel military officer
    kernel seed
    complacence self-satisfaction
    complaisance willingness to please
    complacent self-satified
    complaisant willing to please
    complement allotment
    compliment encomium
    conch marine mollusk
    conk blow to the head
    coo a soft murmuring sound
    coup a successful stroke
    copes gets along with adversity
    copse a stand of trees
    copped swiped
    copt a native Egyptian to a Roman
    cops police officers
    copse a small wood
    core inner part
    corps body
    cosign to sign in addition
    cosine sine of the complement
    council group of leaders
    counsel advisor
    and more!!!
  • Alpaca
  • Alpaca

    Oops...sorry about that blank post. Thanks, Hortensia for the "grammar" correction....see what I mean with those damn phonetics. Alex

  • MsMcDucket

    And after reading a British novel, I may really get things screwy! Is it grammar or grammer? Is it baptise or baptize?

    Spelling differences between American and British English

    -or vs. -our

    -ll vs. -l


    -og vs. -ogue


    -ck or -k vs. -que

    -ense vs. -enze

    -ze vs. -se


    -er vs. -re


    -e vs. -oe or -ae


    -dg vs. -dge (or -g vs. -gu)




    In British English, words that end in -l preceded by a vowel usually double the -l when a suffix is added, while in American English the letter is not doubled. The letter will double in the stress is on the second syllable.

    Base WordAmericanBritish
    quarrel quarrelingquarrelling
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    They're over there eating their lunch. To see the two of them together again is too wonderful!

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