No birthdays doctrine destroyed

by DoomVoyager 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DoomVoyager

    Billy; you forgot one crucial line of reasoning. I'll try to lay it out in Gubberning Body duckspeak language.

    While it is important to note that shaving originated from pagan customs, it is more important to note the Bible's viewpoint. Leviticus 19:27 says that we MUST NOT shave our beards. True chris-chumps today are free from the mosaic law. However, this scripture clearly shows that Joe Hobo views beards as essential. Though the mosiac law does not exactly apply to us, the spirit, or principle, of the law still does. Therefore, it is clear that any true chris-chump who wished to have a close relationship with his heavenly creator would avoid shaving his beard.

    Look like something they might print?

    Here's screenshots of the article, btw:

  • jefferywhat


    you said "Hateful and Disgusting Slave to give wedding rings the OK, Witlesses should be able to celebrate birthdays as well."

    Im not at the point that you are, im still searching my feelings in a kind of luke skywalker way but for some reason to see you write that winds me up..

    If you want to walk away and form that opinion, fine, I respect you for your clarity, but this week your giving a talk. If you don't believe it, if you are that sure that you can write Hateful and Disgusting Slave, than why do it, I dont care who you live with, take a tea spon of cement in your diet and harden the F*#k up.

    I mean I can see how people can arrive at that, but thats their right, Im not there yet.

    You saying that bold statement and then pretending to be a witness is so poor, be yourself or be a follower.

    Are you a "witless"? If not say so, if you dont know, keep searching, if you are, log off.

  • DoomVoyager

    Hey, thanks for the advice, pal. But I think I'd rather pretend to be a Witless for a little while longer than be homeless for who knows how long. See you around.

  • jefferywhat

    no you wont see me around and Im not buying into this whole "my parents will kick me out" saga.

    I read your post re. your talk. Why come here to do research? You have a CD rom, do your own talk.

    And if you're BIG enough to say such overly disparaging comments about the FDS ( which is your right), why do a talk at all?

    And when Billy the Bonus Bethelite comes back at you with some "meat" you tuck tail and run.

    Either stand up for you're belief and people will support you or admit your still searching and people will be patient.

    But to play the whole repressed kid thing, I aint buying it, your being soft and you know it.

    You write 'Gubberning Body duckspeak language" here and cant even say no to a #4 talk?

    Say it like you've got a pair.

  • AlmostAtheist

    >> You saying that bold statement and then pretending to be a witness is so poor

    I have to disagree, Jeff. The policies of the Watchtower force people that want out to play a little deceptive game we call "fading". You have to make an appearance of being a JW, then slowly reduce your activity until you just aren't attending anymore. It's a very difficult thing to do, and the "reduce"'ing that a person can get away with will vary from one to the next. (The alternative is to immediately lose access to your family and the only social support network you've ever known.)

    We all left (or are in the process of leaving) a very intolerant organization that saw things in black and white. One of the great freedoms of leaving it is the opportunity to relax, accept, and see the world in the many grays of reality.


  • R.Crusoe

    Maybe still attending whilst having knowledge of your own fading can intensify your observations of all that is flawed amongst them?

    It is a way to also make time gather ones situation together to move on with less crisis!

    Each to their own!

    Maybe I would have to walk and suffer the consequences! But some do things in a more time evolved manner as is their prerogative amongst a people who have demanded so much of their life!

  • jefferywhat

    AlmostAtheist, at the risk of going way off topic, I undertand and agree with your comment.

    People on this forum have lost alot in the process of fading and I see that as an intelligent process.

    I just dont understand how one could be so resolute in their position of the ORG and GB and yet be in fear of their parents and even give a talk.

    I mean I hate alot of policy and dont agree with all doctrine, but im still looking, whereas the original poster seems to have made up their mind, which is great, but to then stand up and give a talk just seems a bit hypocritical.

    I think it makes a mockery of the intellectual process and the basic right of man to stand up for what he believes in.

  • DoomVoyager

    And when Billy the Bonus Bethelite comes back at you with some "meat" you tuck tail and run.

    What? I was AGREEING with him about the beards thing. The rest of your posts contain nothing but moral platitudes that are easy enough to dispense from your disattached perspective and/or entirely false presumptions about my position, so I'll have no more of those if you don't mind.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Okay, calm down, if anybody here is a hypocrite, it's me.

    What can I say? From the start, I was raised to be judgmental and condemnatory... in a loving, caring way. And right down to my Bethel training, I was tutored in the finer points of hypocracy and pharisaical-ness. In contrast to my recent unstoppable desire to escape, the WTBTS has clearly had decades of experience and 'stacked the deck' in their own favor using an unbelievable array of sticks and carrots... and lies. I have found myself to be so deeply entrenched in the JW quicksand that struggling to get out only gets me pulled deeper and deeper into their own hypocrital quagmire.

    But before anybody gets too excited about the prospect of free punches on Billy, Billy is crafting his own plan... that I'm not sharing yet. I heartily respect the many who have quietly faded, dramatically DAd, or whatever to leave. I also respect the others that are still 'in' and trying to plan their way out. I think V is one of my superheros. I thinks he's also an 'innie', exposing the guts of the bOrg like only an 'innie' can do.

    B the X

  • StAnn

    For one who might still consider him/herself a christian, there's also that "honor they mother and father" thing at play. I know that I don't want to play the JW game. I don't think I'm obliged to play by their rules. I faded and I know my mother doesn't want me around but I know that I did nothing wrong in leaving, so I'm not going to play the JW game and abandon my parents. Just because I've left doesn't mean I have to rub her nose in it. Also, despite everything, I still love my parents and don't want to be completely out of their lives. I love them because I love them, not because they treat me well. My mom and I have a "don't ask/don't tell" thing going on and it's fine with me. I don't want to put her in a position where she has to be "loyal" to the WTS, so I'm nonconfrontational. We all have to do what suits us in our journey out of the WT.

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